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Which Ports does TrueConf Server Use

October 27, 2023
Dimitrii Zuikov

Dimitrii Zuikov

Inbound ports table

This list of the most frequently used ports is given only as a general reference. In practice, requirements may vary depending on the specific features of your DNS, LDAP, SMTP, and other external services. What’s The Difference TCP vs UDP?

If you have any configuration issues, feel free to contact our technical support department.

Mandatory inbound ports for TrueConf Server and TrueConf Server Free

Port Transport Protocol Direction Reassignment
4307 TCP trueconf For media data exchange between the server and client applications yes
80 HTTP For initial TrueConf Server set up yes
443 HTTPS For service data exchange between the server, client applications and browsers yes

Additional ports for TrueConf Server and TrueConf Server Free

Below you can find a list of standard ports and their ranges. You may need to open additional ports to connect to SIP/H.323 endpoints, PBX or MCU. For additional information please refer to your endpoint manual.
Port Transport Protocol Direction Reassignment
1718 UDP H.323 Between the server and H.323 endpoint no
1719 UDP, TCP
1720 TCP
52000-52499 Via Technical Support
5060 UDP, TCP SIP Between the server and SIP device yes
52500-52999 UDP, TCP BFCP Used for sharing content with SIP endpoints Via Technical Support
50000-51999 UDP RTP Between the server and H.323 / SIP endpoints or RTSP client yes
554 TCP RTSP Between the server and CDN or RTSP client no
53000-55000 UDP, TCP SRTP Required for WebRTC. Between the server and user’s web browser yes

Outgoing network ports for TrueConf solutions

TrueConf Server may require outbound ports to enable additional services listed below. All the indicated ports can be closed; they don’t influence video conferencing services operating via TrueConf protocol.

Please note that these ports affect only the outbound traffic from your corporate network, which means that your corporate communications will stay secure even if outbound ports are opened.
Port Transport Protocol Direction Reassignment
4310 TCP trueconf To the registration server (required for license verification). no
443 HTTPS To the registration server (required for push notifications). no
4308 TCP trueconf This port is needed to run your TrueConf Server instance in federation with TrueConf Online cloud-based service. It is not required for federation between different TrueConf Server instances. no
5060 UDP, TCP SIP To SIP devices, PBX, MCU yes
3478 TCP, UDP STUN/TURN Required for WebRTC. To STUN/TURN servers no
1935 TCP RTMP Required for the conference streaming (Youtube, Wowza, CDNvideo, Facebook) no
25 or 465 TCP SMTP For sending emails. To the SMTP server yes

Ports to synchronize with the LDAP server

Port Transport Protocol Direction Reassignment
389 TCP LDAP Between the server and LDAP server yes
636  TCP LDAPS Secure connection to LDAP server
3268 TCP LDAP Between the server and Microsoft Global Catalog
3269 TCP LDAPS Secure connection to Microsoft Global Catalog
53 UDP DNS Required for DNS no
Read about synchronization between TrueConf Server and Active Directory/LDAP in our article and TrueConf Server documentation.

TrueConf Server Control Panel

TrueConf Server Control Panel enables administrators to manage the server from any device on the corporate network.

Please make sure that the firewall of the server allows connection through the port used by TrueConf Server сontrol panel.

Web TCP Port (control panel port) and Database TCP Port (database port) are specified during TrueConf Server installation. By default the ports are 80 and 5432 respectively, however other available ports may also be selected. You can change Web TCP Port without reinstalling the server.

Media data exchange with client applications

By default, the exchange of media (audio and video) between the server and client application is delivered through the TCP port 4307. But you can change it in the settings of TrueConf Server сontrol panel (tab Network → Network Settings) to another TCP port of your choice. This port is also used for file transfer in chats.

Please note that client applications should be downloaded from the guest page of your server. If you have changed the port value on the server after the installation of client applications, all client applications need to be reconfigured manually to use new server address and port.


Slideshows will be sent to the address and port specified in the External address of TrueConf Server web block of the Web → Settings section. So if HTTPS connection has been configured on the server side, an HTTPS port (443 is selected by default) is used for slideshow; otherwise a Web TCP port is used (80 is selected by default).

443 port is also needed for displaying the conference scheduler and real-time layout manager in TrueConf client applications.

Connection between TrueConf Server and a registration server

A connection of your TrueConf Server machine to our registration server is established through the TCP port 4310 after entering a registration key on the registration page of TrueConf Server.

If the server is behind a firewall, you need to grant access to the Internet through the port 4310 (proxy is not supported).

TrueConf Server Free requires a persistent connection to the registration server through the port 4310.

This port cannot be reassigned. The full version of TrueConf Server does not require this port.

Push notifications

TrueConf Server should be connected to the registration server via the port 443 to make sure that push notifications can be received on TrueConf applications for mobile devices (iOS/iPadOS, Android).

There is no need to create additional configurations for FQDN (domain name) or external IP address.

Interoperability with devices over SIP and H.323

TrueConf Server users can make calls to PSTN, PBX users or other endpoints that support SIP. SIP does not transmit any data, this protocol serves as a gatekeeper to establish connection between two devices. This protocol provides signaling, registration and session initiation. These actions are carried out through the port 5060 (TCP, UDP). If the port is closed, the devices cannot establish a connection. If required, you can change it manually in TrueConf Server control panel settings (in the Gateways → SIP tab).

H.323 endpoints are registered on TrueConf Server through the port 1720 (TCP), and the ports 1718 (UDP) and 1719 (UDP) are used for signaling and session initiation.

The H.323 standard is used by H.323 endpoints and consists of at least two standards – H.225 and H.245. Port 1720 is used by H.225 and port multicast 1718 is used by a broadcast query when searching for a gatekeeper within the local network. H.245 uses the range of TCP ports 52000-52499.

You must allow a port value to range from 50000 to 51999 (UDP) to enable TrueConf users to exchange media data with SIP and H.323 subscribers. You can also change it in the Gateways → RTP section of the server control panel.

Before opening these ports, make sure that the data transmitted between a server and an endpoint through these ports will be transferred over your network.

How to connect to WebRTC conference in your browser

For correct operation of WebRTC application the website is required to have an HTTPS certificate. The WebRTC standard uses random UDP or TCP ports from 53000 to 55000 by default, but you can change it in the server control panel if necessary. You will need to open this range in NAT for successful WebRTC operation.

How to open a port?

Refer to your OS or network equipment documentation, or contact a network technician.

In TrueConf Server 4.5.0 or older, different port ranges were used. Check this article for more details.

Still have questions? Please contact our support team directly via online chat.

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