InfoComm Asia on July 17-19 in Bangkok
July 12, 2024
Maria Mihalyova

Maria Mihalyova

Categories: News, TrueConf Group

TrueConf Group 1.1.4: improved recovery mechanism for lost packets and integration with TrueConf MCU 1

We’re thrilled to present TrueConf Group 1.1.4, the latest update of our video conferencing endpoint for meeting rooms powered by upgraded firmware. The new version brings the improved recovery mechanism for lost packets and the option to manage video conferencing endpoints using TrueConf MCU, a server for legacy SIP/H.323 endpoints.

July 11, 2024
Maria Mihalyova

Maria Mihalyova

Categories: News

Webinar: TrueConf MCU 2.1 update 2

On July 24 at 10 am UTC (6 am EDT), we are going to hold a webinar about TrueConf MCU 2.1, the latest update of our software-based video conferencing server for legacy SIP/H.323 endpoints.

July 10, 2024
Maria Mihalyova

Maria Mihalyova

Categories: News, TrueConf Server

TrueConf Server 5.4 major update: simultaneous interpretation, infinite video layouts, and new messenger features 3

We are delighted to present TrueConf Server 5.4, a major update of our video collaboration platform that features a new simultaneous interpretation conference mode, parametric layouts that allow implementing an infinite number of meeting scenarios, new messenger features, on-the-fly conference time extension, and much more. Read our detailed overview to learn more!

July 5, 2024
Maria Mihalyova

Maria Mihalyova

Categories: News Tradeshows

TrueConf IT workshop in India: the power of secure corporate collaboration 4

We are delighted to announce that on September 5, 2024 within InfoComm India 2024 in Mumbai, we will host the fourth workshop that will bring together IT experts from India and TrueConf team.

July 4, 2024
Nikita Dymenko

Nikita Dymenko

Categories: Reviews

offline messaging

What is Offline Messaging?

Offline messaging enables the exchange of messages without an active internet connection by utilizing alternative communication methods such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi Direct, or mesh networks. This technology allows devices to communicate directly, making it essential in environments where internet access is unreliable or unavailable.

July 2, 2024
Maria Mihalyova

Maria Mihalyova

Categories: News

TC 8.4.1

We are happy to release TrueConf 8.4.1, the latest update of our desktop client application for Windows and macOS.

June 27, 2024
Maria Mihalyova

Maria Mihalyova

Categories: News

TrueConf recognized as a Top Performer by FeaturedCustomers 5

TrueConf is named a “Top Performer” in the Video Conferencing Software category of the report published by FeaturedCustomers.

June 23, 2024
Nikita Dymenko

Nikita Dymenko

Categories: productivity

Online collaboration

What is Online Collaboration?

Online collaboration is where cloud-based document sharing, video conferencing, team messaging, and project management software come in to provide a seamless collaboration experience. This type of collaboration is spreading across many industries. Research firm Statista expects the global market for such services to grow from $12.4 billion in 2020 to $16.60 billion by 2025 (Statista). The growing number of telecommuters requires organizations to improve their communication and project management (PM) capabilities (Kinetic IT Solutions).

June 21, 2024
Maria Mihalyova

Maria Mihalyova

Categories: News Tradeshows

Prioritizing security and top-notch video collaboration: TrueConf solutions at CyberDSA 2024 6

On August 6 – 8, 2024, TrueConf will participate in CyberDSA, an event in Kuala Lumpur aiming to unite experts to collaborate and explore solutions to cybersecurity challenges.

June 14, 2024
Maria Mihalyova

Maria Mihalyova

Categories: News Webinars

Webinar: TrueConf Server 5.4 major update 7

On June 26, we held a webinar about TrueConf Server 5.4, the long-awaited update of our video collaboration platform for Windows and Linux. The new version brings a simultaneous interpretation mode, infinite layouts, new messenger features, on-the-fly meeting time extension, and much more.

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