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Remote Meeting: Everything You Need to Know

April 28, 2024
Nikita Dymenko

Nikita Dymenko

Categories: productivity

remote meeting

What is a remote meeting?

A remote meeting is held when people do not meet in person but connect via telecommunication technology. Such meetings can range from simple one-to-one video calls to large meetings with participants from different locations. This versatility enables businesses and organizations to conduct meetings, exchange information, and reach decisions seamlessly, eliminating the necessity for face-to-face interactions. Consequently, it becomes an indispensable asset in our interconnected contemporary society.

The growing prevalence of remote work, accelerated by global events such as the COVID-19 pandemic, has catalyzed a significant increase in meeting participation. According to a report by Owl Labs, 42% of remote workers found themselves engaging in more meetings in 2020 compared to previous years. This surge underscores the transformative impact of remote work on organizational dynamics and communication norms. As businesses adapt to this new paradigm, the adoption of video conferencing technology emerges as an indispensable tool for fostering collaboration and maintaining connectivity among dispersed teams.

Benefits of remote meetings

Enhanced Productivity: Studies indicate that remote meetings can increase productivity by up to 55%. With fewer distractions and time saved from commuting, employees can allocate more focused time to tasks at hand.

Cost Savings: Companies can save substantial amounts on overhead costs associated with physical meetings, including travel expenses, accommodation, and venue rentals. On average, businesses can reduce costs by 30% through remote meetings. A good travel planner app can help save you money but remote meetings cant be competed with.

Global Talent Access: Remote meetings eliminate geographical barriers, enabling organizations to tap into a global talent pool. This expands hiring possibilities which can include hiring remote professionals, and fosters diversity within teams. This said, if you’re a UK company planning on hiring remotely in Colorado, for example, it’s important to be aware of the HR, payroll, and compliance boxes you’ll need to tick, too.

Types of Remote Meetings

Team Meetings

Team meetings play a vital role in any organization by uniting ideas, crafting strategies, and enhancing collaboration. They enable teams to synchronize their efforts, align objectives, and foster a sense of unity. You can evaluate the effectiveness of your team’s communication with message mapping, which helps identify gaps, clarify messaging, and ensure everyone is on the same page.

According to a survey by Atlassian, employees participate in an average of 62 meetings each month, with half of that time being deemed unproductive. Nevertheless, well-structured meetings, as per explored in Attrock remote team management guide must have clear communication guidelines.

Client Meetings

A Harvard Business Review survey reveals that 91% of executives consider face-to-face meetings crucial for long-term business relationships. Additionally, Forbes notes that 85% of professionals find remote meetings more productive and effective than virtual ones.

For instance, think of a marketing agency working on a new product campaign for a client. Regular face-to-face meetings help the agency understand the client’s brand, target audience, and objectives. This understanding enables the agency to develop tailored strategies, resulting in a more impactful campaign and a satisfied client.

Training Sessions

Training sessions play a vital role in personal and professional development, offering dynamic environments where individuals can enhance their skills, acquire new knowledge, and advance in their careers. These sessions are delivered in various formats, including classroom-style workshops, hands-on simulations, and online modules.

A survey conducted by LinkedIn revealed that 94% of employees are more inclined to remain with a company that invests in their career development. For instance, Google’s “Learning Week” provides a diverse array of workshops and classes, reinforcing its reputation as a leading workplace.

Here are examples illustrating the impact of training sessions:

Medical Training: Surgeons engage in extensive training sessions, encompassing simulations and workshops, to refine their skills and remain current with the latest medical advancements.

Sales Training: Sales teams participate in training sessions to acquire new techniques and deepen their understanding of products. For example, Salesforce regularly conducts training sessions for its sales representatives to enhance their effectiveness, resulting in increased revenue.

Customer Service Training: Companies like Zappos excel in customer service through comprehensive training sessions where employees learn to empathize with customers and resolve issues efficiently.

Brainstorming Sessions

brainstorming meetingBrainstorming sessions are dynamic gatherings where individuals collaborate to generate creative ideas, solve problems, or explore new opportunities. Originating in the advertising industry in the 1940s, brainstorming has evolved into a fundamental practice in various domains, such as business, education, and personal projects. Moreover, it has become essential for merchandising and designing t-shirts, enabling creative ideas and innovative designs to flourish.

The significance of brainstorming sessions stems from the recognition that diverse perspectives and teamwork often result in more innovative solutions. Studies indicate that teams engaged in brainstorming sessions typically generate a higher number of ideas and achieve better outcomes compared to individuals working alone. So whether you want to discuss the importance of SEO with your team and figure out an effective SEO strategy, or decide on the name of a new product, consider brainstorming a powerful tool for unlocking creativity. For instance, research conducted by the Kellogg School of Management revealed that brainstorming teams produced 20% more ideas than individuals working in isolation.

How are remote meetings conducted?

Before the meeting

1. Choose a remote meeting software

When selecting a platform, prioritize finding one that matches your requirements and preferences, such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams, or TrueConf. Assess aspects like
usability, features, security patching, and device compatibility.

2. Set up the meeting

Plan the meeting well ahead of time. According to research by Harvard Business Review, providing at least 48 hours’ notice for meetings can boost attendance rates by as much as 23%. Incorporating QR codes into your meeting invitations can further streamline the process and enhance participation.

3. Distribute an agenda

Share a detailed agenda outlining the topics to be discussed, objectives, and expected outcomes. Studies by Stanford University indicate that meetings with clear agendas are 46% more likely to stay on track and achieve their goals. You can use internal communication software to share important documents, and information, and stay connected.

During the meeting

4. Engage participants in discussions

Data from a survey by Gallup suggests that engaging participants in discussions increases their sense of involvement and commitment to the meeting’s objectives by 42%.

5. Follow remote meeting etiquette

Remind participants to mute their microphones when not speaking, avoid multitasking, and maintain professional conduct.

remote meeting organisation

After the meeting

6. Create a meeting summary

According to a report by Deloitte, 67% of employees find meeting summaries helpful in retaining information and clarifying next steps. Consider using AI translation to easily translate those reports and distribute them to your global workforce. For example, an AI translator can effectively translate Swahili to English, ensuring clear communication even for an employer based in Kenya.
7. Send out the meeting recording

Share a meeting recording for future reference. Research by Forrester indicates that providing meeting recordings can increase knowledge retention by 25% and save participants an average of 30 minutes per meeting in note-taking.

Tips to Keep Attendants Engaged

Encourage interaction: Utilize interactive whiteboards or online collaboration tools for real-time sharing of ideas, sketching diagrams, or collaborative problem-solving. Introduce quizzes, trivia, or interactive games relevant to the topic to bring excitement and diversity to the session.

Keep it concise: Value everyone’s time by adhering to the agenda and minimizing unnecessary distractions. Share a comprehensive agenda ahead of time, clearly stating the topics for discussion and their allotted time slots. Maintain focus on the agenda to prevent getting derailed by irrelevant conversations. Moreover, use enterprise project management software to centralize tasks, assign deadlines, and track progress in real-time even after the meeting.

Feedback and Interaction Channels: Provide channels for attendees to provide feedback, ask questions, and interact with organizers and speakers. Contraction companies can leverage remote meetings for efficient communication and collaboration across distributed teams. Moreover, IoT in construction can enhance project monitoring and management through real-time data collection and analysis.

How Can AI Features Boost Your Remote Meeting?

Real-Time Transcription and Translation

AI-powered tools can swiftly transform spoken words into text, creating an immediate written record of the meeting. This is particularly beneficial for participants with hearing impairments or those who prefer reading over listening. Furthermore, AI can translate spoken language into several languages instantly, ensuring more effective communication in multinational teams where participants may not all be fluent in the same language.

Automated Scheduling and Preparation

AI can streamline the process of scheduling meetings by reviewing participants’ calendars and recommending optimal times. This eradicates the necessity for exchanging multiple messages to determine a suitable slot. Furthermore, AI can aid in meeting preparation by collecting and condensing pertinent documents, emails, and previous meeting notes, guaranteeing that all attendees are thoroughly prepared and knowledgeable.

Intelligent Meeting Summaries

Artificial intelligence (AI) offers beneficial summaries that emphasize essential points, decisions taken, and tasks assigned. This service proves advantageous for individuals unable to participate in person or those seeking a swift recap without viewing the entire recording. It can also be particularly useful when integrated with tools like Quiz Maker WordPress, allowing for efficient content management and engagement.

Virtual Assistants and Bots

Virtual assistants and bots serve as invaluable aids. Leveraging AI technology, they are capable of managing a range of tasks such as note-taking, reminder setting, and overseeing breakout sessions. Additionally, they are equipped to respond to common inquiries throughout the meeting, enabling participants to concentrate on significant discussions.


In summary, becoming adept at remote meetings necessitates thorough preparation, effective communication, and appropriate tools. By implementing these methods and harnessing accessible technology, you can guarantee that your remote meetings are not only efficient but also captivating for everyone involved.

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