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BYOM (Bring Your Own Meeting) Technology: Benefits, Trends, and Implementation

August 2, 2024
Nikita Dymenko

Nikita Dymenko

Categories: productivity

BYOM (Bring Your Own Meeting)

What is BYOM?

Bring Your Own Meeting (BYOM) technology is an evolving idea that allows users to host virtual meetings using their preferred platform on any conferencing hardware. This technology essentially decouples the meeting software from the hardware, providing greater flexibility and user autonomy. As a result, employees can easily connect their personal devices to the room’s audiovisual systems to conduct or join meetings on their preferred platform. A survey by Nemertes Research indicates that 67% of enterprises have already adopted or are planning to adopt BYOM solutions as part of their unified communication strategies by 2025.

Companies can use BYOM technology in their conference rooms in various offices around the world, allowing employees to use their favorite meeting applications with the existing room infrastructure. This results in better and more efficient meetings and improved user satisfaction because no one has to learn new, unfamiliar systems or deal with those that do not integrate with other languages, making global collaboration easier.

The Benefits of BYOM

Convenience: This means a person can bring their favorite conferencing platforms, and connect them to the AV in any meeting room through their own devices.

Cost-Effectiveness: BYOM enables organizations to maximize their existing hardware investments by allowing them to use current meeting room equipment with various conferencing platforms. This reduces the need for expensive, platform-specific systems and minimizes the frequency of costly hardware upgrades.

Enhanced User Experience: BYOM provides a consistent and familiar user experience, reducing the learning curve for employees and minimizing technical issues during meetings.

Scalability: As businesses grow or change their collaboration needs, BYOM technology offers scalability without significant additional investment. New rooms can be equipped with standard AV setups that work with BYOM, avoiding the need to purchase or maintain different systems for different platforms.

Wired vs Wireless BYOM Technology

Wired BYOM technology requires a user’s device, such as a laptop or tablet, to be physically connected to the room’s audiovisual system via cables such as HDMI or USB. This method provides users with a stable and reliable connection during meetings, ensuring high-quality video and audio at all times. Wired connections are much less susceptible to interference and latency, making them perfect for locations where consistent performance is most important, such as large conference rooms or locations with significant technology infrastructure. In addition, wired BYOM setups typically require minimal initial configuration and can work with many different devices and meeting platforms, making them a reliable choice for many organizations.

Conversely, wireless BYOM technology allows users to connect their devices wirelessly to the room’s AV system using protocols such as Wi-Fi or Bluetooth. This technology offers much greater convenience and flexibility because it does not tie down the movement of users within a meeting space with cables, allowing them to move freely without being restricted by any aspect of peripheral setup. In other words, wireless BYOM is good when you have multiple presenters who want to turn their screens on and off one at a time without having to configure any cables between them. However, some wireless connections may have issues related to congestion on the networks being used, interference that may occur, or even distance from the router, all of which can cause delays or poor video quality when streaming online media.

When deciding between wired and wireless BYOM technology, organizations must consider their specific needs and the environments in which the technology will be used. Wired BYOM may be the preferred choice in settings where reliability and consistent performance are paramount, such as in boardrooms or critical client presentations. In contrast, wireless BYOM may be better suited for more dynamic, collaborative spaces where ease of use and flexibility are key, such as in smaller meeting rooms or educational settings.

How to Implement BYOM at Your Company

How to implement BYOM1. Assess Your Needs and Infrastructure: Evaluate your company’s meeting room setups, existing AV equipment, and user preferences for conferencing platforms. Identify the specific requirements, such as the number of rooms to be equipped and the types of meetings typically held.

2. Choose the Right BYOM Solution: Do your research and choose a BYOM solution that meets your organization’s needs. This includes things like hardware compatibility, wired and wireless support, and ease of integration with preferred conferencing systems. When developing a website people usually check its compatibility with website localization tools and SEO optimization tools, in case of software, business owners usually prioritize compatibility with existing systems and platforms.

3. Upgrade or Acquire Necessary Hardware: Make sure your meeting rooms are equipped with appropriate hardware that are compatible with BYOM technology. You may need to replace old equipment or purchase new equipment that supports BYOM.

4. Implement Network and Security Measures: Develop a strong, secure network infrastructure to support BYOM, especially if you are deploying wireless solutions. Ensure your network is ready to handle the increased traffic and has the proper security protocols in place.

5. Train Employees: Conduct training programs for employees on how to work with the BYOM system, including how to connect their devices, how to use the AV equipment, and how to troubleshoot common problems they may encounter while using the system. Provide ongoing support services for employees, such as user guides or help lines, because it takes time for people to adapt to new technology.

6. Monitor and Evaluate Performance: After implementation, continuously monitor the performance and gather feedback from users. Regularly evaluate its effectiveness and make improvements as needed to ensure that the technology meets the evolving needs of your company.

Future Trends in BYOM

Enhanced Integration with AI and Automation:

The future of BYOM will likely see deeper integration with AI and automation technologies. AI-driven features such as automatic meeting transcription, real-time language translation, and intelligent meeting summaries will become standard, enhancing productivity and accessibility. Automation along with Blockchain API integration using RPC node provider will streamline the setup process, allowing meetings to start automatically when participants enter the room, ensuring that all communications are encrypted and tamper-proof.

Expansion of Wireless and 5G Capabilities:

The evolution of wireless technology, particularly with the widespread rollout of 5G networks, will significantly enhance the capabilities of wireless BYOM. With faster and more reliable connections, users will experience lower latency, higher video and audio quality, and the ability to host more complex meetings with multiple participants and shared content. Companies will be able to take it to the next level and host meetings with people around the world. Of course, in that case, they might need to leverage business translation services to avoid any miscommunication with their partners from abroad.

Smart Meeting Rooms and IoT Integration:

The integration of Internet of Things (IoT) devices into meeting rooms will revolutionize BYOM technology. Smart meeting rooms equipped with sensors, smart cameras, and voice-activated controls will provide a more intuitive and responsive meeting experience. Organizations can leverage IoT consulting services to effectively implement these solutions, ensuring they maximize the benefits of IoT technologies. IoT devices will help manage room conditions, optimize lighting and acoustics, and automatically adjust settings based on the number of participants or the type of meeting.
TrueConf Room solution encompasses fully integrated all-in-one video conferencing solutions designed specifically for meeting rooms and conference halls, featuring intuitive controls, HD video quality, conference streaming, advanced layout management, and compatibility with different equipment.

TrueConf Room

PC-based solution for hosting 4K video conferencing in meeting rooms and conference halls. Easy to install and scale on an available AV peripheral!



TrueConf Room


BYOM technology is revolutionizing the way organizations conduct meetings, offering flexibility, cost-effectiveness, and enhanced user experiences. As we look to the future, BYOM is poised to evolve with trends such as AI integration, advanced security measures, expanded wireless capabilities, and the adoption of smart meeting rooms. These developments will further solidify BYOM as a cornerstone of modern collaboration, enabling seamless and secure communication across diverse industries and environments. Embracing BYOM now not only enhances current operational efficiency but also prepares organizations for a more connected and dynamic future.

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