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5 Key Advantages of Video Conferencing

December 15, 2022
Nikita Dymenko

Nikita Dymenko

Categories: Reviews

Advantages of Video Conferencing
The great leap forward in information technology over the past 10 years has fundamentally changed the way organizations do business. Whether you have distributed offices across the country or collaborate with teammates remotely, video conferencing is an essential part of productive communication and the driver of engaging and cost-effective cooperation. If you’d like to introduce online meetings into the daily workflows, but don’t know enough about the advantages of this communication format, the information below is for your attention.

Top 5 Benefits of Using Video Conferencing for Businesses

In fact, video conferencing capabilities are largely determined by mainstream trends arising from the demands of society. The use of online meeting platforms as a business tool is one of the most important factors determining the further development of these software solutions. Therefore, vendors focus not only on the needs of ordinary users, but also on the features that can help entrepreneurs empower their intra-corporate processes including lead generation by integration with lead generation tool. Here are the main benefits of video conferencing for business:

1. Save Time and Money

Video conferencing allows you to collaborate with remote employees and communicate with customers and partners without leaving the office. Instead of prolonged discussions via email, phone or messenger, you can host an online meeting and thereby boost decision-making and work efficiency. On top of that, there’s no need to spend money on business trips: just initiate a video call to discuss what matters with colleagues or clients from other cities. You can easily save money for your business with this great solution.

2. Increase the Efficiency of Collaboration

Video conferencing is often a more effective way or format of communication than a phone call, text chat or email, who cannot completely recreate the work in the office. During an online meeting, you can share slides or a screen with conference participants and work on projects remotely in real time. Besides, the overwhelming majority of video conferencing services offer a built-in recording feature, so you can come back to the meeting agenda at any moment.

Moreover, the use of tools like QR Codes, digital business cards etc. make networking and collaboration easier and streamlined.

3. Manage Live & Virtual Events

Holding webinars and online events allow businesses to showcase product line-up to a large-scale audience, strengthen relationships with customers, and fuel lead generation. This video conferencing format also helps to expand marketing opportunities by increasing brand awareness, reaching new prospects, and making valuable contacts.

Nowadays, event professionals can choose from many virtual event tools to increase virtual event engagement.

4. Improve Hiring Process

Just like applicant tracking systems, online meetings help HR specialists quickly find the right candidates for vacancies and conduct interviews remotely, which saves time. It is important to note that a video-based interview allows recruiters to objectively evaluate skills of the applicant because communication takes place within an established time frame. Besides, virtual meetings provide HR professionals with the ability to look for employees in other cities and countries, significantly expanding the horizon of interaction with staff.

5. Keep Accurate and Consistent Records

Online conference platforms usually have the recording feature built-in, which eliminates the need to take notes during a group meeting and allows users to stay focused on the discussion with colleagues. Video records are always available for playback if you need to clarify some details of the conversation or check the meeting agenda. Additionally, with the help of an online video editor tool, you can easily edit and enhance these recorded materials. Plus, you can share these edited videos with absent team members and thus help them stay in the know.

statistics video conferencing advantages

Facilitate Business Processes with TrueConf

TrueConf is an on-premises video conferencing platform that unites geographically distributed teams into a feature-rich collaborative workspace. This UC solution allows to hold time-unlimited 4K meetings for up to 1,000 participants, who can exchange messages and files, share the screen, make presentations, take polls, record the session for future playback, and more.

TrueConf provides advanced conference management tools — you can control users’ AV devices, set individual layouts or lock the view to keep the audience focused, as well as arrange video windows of participants in a certain order. This self-hosted platform keeps sensitive data reliably safe within the corporate network, making confidential intra-corporate communications private and inaccessible to third parties.

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