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Embedding TrueConf video conferencing into your website

March 29, 2019
Dimitrii Zuikov

Dimitrii Zuikov

You can add TrueConf web conferences to your website with the help of conference page widget.

Please note that only public conferences can be embedded into a website. To learn more about public web conferences and how to set them up, read our manual.

Guide for TrueConf Server Administrator

Select a video conference you would like to add to your website in TrueConf Server control panel (Group ConferencesConferences section). Click on the link next to Integration.

Embedding TrueConf video conferencing into your website 1

You will find the conference html widget code in the window that opens.

Embedding TrueConf video conferencing into your website 2

Copy this code and paste it into your web page.

Embedding TrueConf video conferencing into your website 3

Guide for TrueConf Server User

In fact, conference widget is an ordinary widget, so if you know conference page address, you can paste it to the general template (src parameter):

As a rule, page address [address] looks like [server]/c/[CID], where:

  • [server] —  IP or FQDN name of your server
  • [CID]Conference ID

For example:

You can embed web conference to broadcast the video meetings scheduled in your conference scheduler.

How to customize conference webpage

You can limit access to the conference page functions listed in the table below by adding disabled parameter to the widget html code:


Value Function
chats Chat
participants List of conference participants
hangUp Hang up
speaker Audio device settings
camera Video capture device settings
microphone Audio recording device settings
settings Hardware settings
podiumControls Go to the podium (for role-based conferences)
showDesktop Screen sharing
slideShow Slideshow
fullscreen Full-screen conference mode
header Chat, the list of participants and full-screen mode
footer Hang up and all hardware settings


For example, to disable access to the chat and the list of participants, you should add the following stings #disabled=chats,participants to your widget code:

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