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TrueConf 8.4: new AI, layout with a single window, and notification when the user goes online

May 2, 2024
Maria Mihalyova

Maria Mihalyova

TC 8.4

We’re happy to announce TrueConf 8.4, the latest update of our desktop client application for Windows, macOS and Linux. In the new version, we’ve introduced a new AI feature that allows using the shared content as a virtual background, layout with a single window, notification when the user goes online, and many other improvements. Read our detailed overview to learn more!


TrueConf 8.4 update will soon be available for macOS

New AI: shared content as virtual background

In TrueConf 8.4, users can display their image over the screen sharing: they can use slides, videos, and other sources as virtual backgrounds. This will increase the interactivity, as well as the quality of webinars and online presentations.

When starting to share your screen, you should select the Camera video overlaying content mode TrueConf 8.4: new AI, layout with a single window, and notification when the user goes online 1Configure and enable Hide my background option. If necessary, you can change the size and location of your own video.

Pop-up notification when the user goes online

To help users establish corporate communication and speed up the decision-making process on work issues, we have added a new feature that allows you to receive notifications about the availability of selected contacts in the address book. If the status changes from Offline, Away or any other status to Online, a pop-up notification will be displayed with the option to chat or call the user.

When you select a user group, you will receive separate notifications about the appearing each user online


Updated conference UI

Layout with a single window

It has now become much easier to focus on a presentation or important report — we’ve added the ability to have a single large window with content or a speaker, hiding the images of all other meeting participants in the layout.

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Each user should individually apply a layout with a single window

On air widget

In the new version of desktop client applications, we have improved the widget for displaying participants hidden in the layout. By default, it displays a compact list of speakers with the ability to switch to a small video window with an actively speaking participant.

On air widget is enabled automatically when the Hide participants without video option is enabled, as well as when selecting a layout with a single window

Default layout setting

Users can now set the default layout according to their requirements and preferences. You can do this in the layout settings window or in the Settings — Conference section. In addition to the default layout, you can also select the display options for the content window.

Sorting of conference participants

During a running video conference, users can organize the list of participants:

  • by role — moderators will be above speakers and attendees in the list
  • alphabetically — ascending (A-Z) and descending (Z-A) names in alphabetical order
  • by layout position — at the beginning of the list there will be speakers with enabled cameras, and after them there will be speakers with disabled cameras with the active Hide participants without video option
  • by microphone status.

You can sort the participants by clicking on the TrueConf 8.4: new AI, layout with a single window, and notification when the user goes online 11 button in the Participants tab.

Enabling the Track participant activities option will raise those users who made an audio remark or raised their hands to the top of the list.

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Sorting settings may vary depending on the conference mode and roles:

    Smart meeting mode, participants are sorted by roles in the following order: Moderators — Pinned participants — Participants without a role. Speakers can also be sorted alphabetically and by layout position, and Attendees can be sorted alphabetically and by microphone status.
  • in the Moderated role-based mode, you can sort Attendees only by role or alphabetically
  • sorting by layout position is not available in Video lecture mode.


Quick options change

Earlier, TrueConf Server 5.2.9 update introduced new features in the real-time meeting management. With the release of TrueConf 8.4, moderators and the owner will be able to change the name, conference ID, or set the PIN code on the fly right in the conference options window.


Support for vertical orientation

In TrueConf 8.4, the display of video windows in the layout has been improved — now they dynamically change depending on the number of conference participants and the orientation of their video.


Support for .ODP

Users of TrueConf 8.4 can now upload and share slides in .ODP — when starting, the application checks if there is a program for reading and editing ODP files installed in the operating system. If necessary, you can specify the path to the program yourself in the Settings — Tools section.

List of supported programs:

  • LibreOffice


Messenger improvements

Built-in PDF viewer

Users can now view PDF files sent and received in group and private chats without using third-party applications. The tool allows viewing the table of contents, scrolling through, and quickly navigating to the desired pages, as well as zooming them out or in.

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If necessary, the PDF file can also be opened using the PDF viewer selected in the operating system by default.

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When loading PDF files in the chat, a preview is now automatically generated
To import PDF files correctly in TrueConf 8.4 for Windows, preliminary setting on the TrueConf Server side is required

Automatic downloading of images and files

Users can now enable Media auto download in chats. In the Settings — Tools section, you can select the type of files that will be downloaded automatically. This parameter is configured separately for personal and group chats.

By default, the application has auto download enabled for all file types

Access to chats, contacts, and call history without an internet connection

The offline operation of the application has been improved — now, after launching TrueConf 8.4 for Windows, macOS, and Linux, users will be able to access chats, contacts, and call history without connecting to TrueConf Server.

The sent messages are saved in the application with the status Pending TrueConf 8.4: new AI, layout with a single window, and notification when the user goes online 23 — they will be delivered after the connection is restored.

TrueConf 8.4: new AI, layout with a single window, and notification when the user goes online 24

Recent emojis

In TrueConf 8.4, the display of emojis has been improved — now they are represented by one common list divided into thematic groups. The creating a list of recent emoji is done according to the frequency of their usage.

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Copying an email address without mailto:

In TrueConf 8.4 update, we have improved the logic of working with email addresses received or sent by users in group and personal chats. Now, when copying an email from a message, it will be displayed in the format without the mailto: prefix.


Support for OBS virtual camera

During the conference, you can now use the OBS virtual camera as a video source — you can select it in the Settings — Video section or switch to it on the fly during a video conference by clicking the TrueConf 8.4: new AI, layout with a single window, and notification when the user goes online 28 button next to the camera icon.

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Avatar editing

Now, when uploading a photo to a user’s profile, you can quickly edit it: zoom in, flip horizontally, or rotate.

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Improved waiting rooms management

Earlier, we added the ability to select the category of users who will enter the waiting room when connecting to the conference. Now this can be done on the fly during the event in the Conference Options window.

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In addition, we have added pop-up notifications informing the owner and the moderators of the event that a new participant is in the waiting room. You can view all requests to the waiting room in the Notification center.

Indication of the content sharing

The corresponding icon is now displayed in the list of conference participants next to the users who share the content. When connected to TrueConf Server 5.4+, the owner and the conference moderators will be able to end the content sharing for other users.

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Other changes and improvements:

  • Now, when planning an ad-hoc conference or during a running online meeting, you can add users from the search bar
  • TrueConf 8.4: new AI, layout with a single window, and notification when the user goes online 35

  • All images sent or received in group and personal chats can now be scrolled through using special buttons in the interface or the «←» and «→» keys
  • TrueConf 8.4: new AI, layout with a single window, and notification when the user goes online 36

  • We’ve added the ability to use manual proxy settings in the Settings — Connection section
  • TrueConf 8.4: new AI, layout with a single window, and notification when the user goes online 37

  • We’ve added the ability to select the power-saving mode for economical consumption of device resources when running on battery power
  • TrueConf 8.4: new AI, layout with a single window, and notification when the user goes online 38

  • On devices with a weak processor, when enabling Noise suppression, the most preferred noise reduction algorithm will now be selected to optimize the operation of TrueConf 8.4 for Windows, macOS, and Linux
  • When sharing a screen or application, pop-up notifications of TrueConf 8.4 for Windows will no longer be visible to other conference participants
  • We’ve added connection statuses The user is connected to the server and is not authorized TrueConf 8.4: new AI, layout with a single window, and notification when the user goes online 39, and Server connection error TrueConf 8.4: new AI, layout with a single window, and notification when the user goes online 40 for the thumbnail of TrueConf 8.4 for Windows in the taskbar.

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