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Launching TrueConf client application with settings taken from JSON file

October 2, 2023
Konstantin Kotov

Konstantin Kotov

Very often system administrators have to effectively apply the same settings to multiple instances of an application installed in the corporate network.

One of the solutions for this task is to save settings in the file with a specific format (e.g., JSON, XML, or CSV) and place it on each of the target computers.

Starting from the 8.2.0 version, TrueConf can be launched with predefined parameters specified in a JSON file. Below, we will show how to create such a file.

Creating a file with parameters

First of all, it is necessary to create a JSON file and list the required settings as "key":"value" pairs where:

"key" is the identifier of the parameter that you want to configure

"value" is the value of the given parameter.

To learn more about the JSON format, check the official documentation.

The PDF file with the full list of keys, their values, and corresponding settings is available for download via this link:

List of JSON parameters

Here is an example of a JSON file with client application settings:

The values of some parameters can be used only in combination with other parameters. For example, if the value of the corporateServer parameter is set to true (this parameter is responsible for automatic connection to the server when the application is started), you have to specify the value of the userDefinedServerHost parameter with the corresponding address of the server to which the application should connect. All the parameters that have to be used in pairs are marked in the PDF file mentioned before.

Launching the application

Launching TrueConf client application with parameters taken from a JSON file may vary depending on whether or not you are starting the application for the first time on the selected computer.

If you want to use the method described in the section Launching the application installed for the first time (due to its simplicity), but the application has already been started, you can reset its state to default. To do it, just delete the configuration file located at this path:

On Windows – %LOCALAPPDATA%/TrueConf/Client

On Linux – ~/.config/trueconf

On macOS – ~/Library/Containers/org.trueconf.client/Data/Library/Application Support/TrueConf

Launching the application installed for the first time

Place the created file settings.json to the directory where the application is installed:

On Windows – C:\Program Files\TrueConf\Client

On Linux – /opt/trueconf/

On macOS – /Applications/TrueConf\ Client.app/Contents/MacOS (the character \ is needed for escaping the space).

The file name settings.json is required if you choose this way of launching the application. The settings provided in any file with a different name will not be applied.

At this point, you can launch the application. All settings will be applied automatically.

Launching the previously installed application

Run the application with the --settings parameter. You will need to use the full path to the settings file as the argument. For example, you can do it in the Windows command line:

"C:\Program Files\TrueConf\Client\TrueConf.exe" --settings "D:/my_settings.json"

There are multiple ways of running TrueConf client applications with command-line parameters. All of them are fully described in our knowledge base article.

Unlike the method described in the previous sub-section, here, you do not have to name the settings file only as settings.

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