InfoComm Asia on July 17-19 in Bangkok

Unified Messaging

What is Unified Messaging System

Unified Messaging (UM) integrates various written communication services into a single, user-friendly interface. Users can access voicemail, email, SMS, and fax messages all in one place, whether through an email client, a web portal, or a mobile app. This integrated approach not only simplifies communication but also boosts efficiency by eliminating the hassle of toggling between multiple sources.

For instance, with UM, when an individual gets a voicemail on their office phone, it is automatically converted into an audio file and emailed to them. This allows them to listen to the voicemail directly from their email inbox on any device. Likewise, incoming faxes can be transformed into PDF files and sent via email, making them easily accessible without a physical fax machine.

In a business context, Unified Messaging can integrate with simple CRM systems and other enterprise applications to offer context for incoming messages. For instance, when a salesperson gets an email from a prospective client, the UM system can present relevant client information from the CRM alongside the email, providing a comprehensive view of the client’s history and needs.

Unified Messaging features

Unified Messaging System

Below are some common features typically found in UM systems:

  • Message Consolidation: UM systems merge voicemails, emails, SMS, and faxes into one unified mailbox accessible from smartphones, tablets, laptops, and desktop computers.
  • Voicemail to Email Transcription: Voicemails are converted into text and then forwarded to the user’s email, facilitating rapid message assessment without the requirement to listen to audio recordings.
  • Fax to Email: Received faxes are received electronically and then forwarded to the user’s email inbox as PDF attachments. This removes the requirement for a conventional fax machine.
  • SMS Integration: Users can send and receive text messages utilizing the UM system, enabling SMS communication with their business number, all without the necessity for an additional mobile device.
  • Notification Alerts: Users have the option to select how they receive notifications for new messages, utilizing various channels like email alerts, SMS, or pop-up notifications on their devices.
  • Personalized Greetings: Unified Messaging (UM) systems frequently enable users to generate personalized voicemail greetings using caller ID details, the current time, or their present availability status (not available, busy or online).
  • Message Prioritization: Users can prioritize messages so that important communications are highlighted or brought to their attention first.
  • Message Sorting and Filtering: Messages can be sorted and filtered by date, type, priority, or other criteria to help users manage their inbox more efficiently.
  • Call Answering Rules: Users can set up rules for how incoming calls are handled, such as forwarding to another number, sending directly to voicemail, or ringing multiple devices simultaneously.
  • Calendar Integration: UM systems can integrate with calendar applications to provide information on the user’s availability and automatically update voicemail greetings based on the user’s schedule.
  • Multi-lingual Support: For businesses with international operations, UM systems may offer multi-lingual support to accommodate users and callers in different languages.
  • Secure Access: Encryption, password protection, and secure access protocols ensure that sensitive communication remains confidential.
  • Web-Based Interface: An web-based platform enables users to retrieve their messages from any internet-connected device, eliminating the requirement for specialized software.
  • Unified Contacts: Contact information can be synchronized across all messaging platforms.
  • Compliance and Archiving: UM systems can help organizations comply with legal and regulatory requirements by providing archiving capabilities for message retention and retrieval.

By integrating these features, UM systems enhance the overall user experience by providing flexibility
and control over how, when, and where messages are received and managed.

Use Cases for Unified Messaging

Principle of operation Unified Messaging

Scheme of work Unified Messaging System

    1. Corporate Environment:
      In a corporate environment, employees frequently handle multiple communication channels. And Unified Messaging (UM) systems specialize in consolidating these channels within the company’s email client. For instance, when an employee receives a voicemail, the UM system seamlessly converts it into an audio file and sends it as an email attachment. This enables the employee to conveniently listen to the voicemail on their device without requiring access to the phone system. Similarly, incoming faxes can be received as PDF attachments in emails, facilitating rapid and eco-friendly distribution.
    2. Remote Workforce:
      The UM system enables individuals to retrieve their messages from any location, utilizing any internet-connected device. This flexibility allows them to listen to office voicemails or view faxes even when they are not in the office, ensuring they stay informed and responsive to clients and colleagues.
    3. Healthcare Industry:
      The use of a UM system can help ensure that important messages are delivered quickly. For example, a patient’s test results can be securely forwarded to a doctor’s email, and the UM system can send an SMS alert to notify the doctor. This speeds up the process of reviewing the results and providing the necessary care.
    4. Customer Service Centers:
      Unified Messaging is highly beneficial in customer service or call center settings, where agents commonly handle inquiries across multiple channels including phone, email, chat, and social media. It consolidates all messages into a unified interface, enabling agents to respond promptly and monitor conversations more efficiently.
    5. Educational Institutions:
      Educational institutions such as schools and universities can utilize UM systems to enhance communication with students, parents, and staff. For instance, a school can distribute notifications regarding closures or emergency alerts via voice messages, emails, and text messages, ensuring that recipients obtain information through their preferred communication channels.
    6. Legal and Financial Services:
      Professionals working in legal and financial sectors frequently handle sensitive information that demands secure communication channels. A UM system guarantees the secure storage of all messages, including voicemails, emails, or faxes, facilitating easy retrieval for review or audit purposes.
