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Differences and Similarities in User Attitudes towards Video Conferencing in Poland and CIS

July 25, 2014
Alina Krukova

Alina Krukova

Categories: Press Releases

TrueConf and Garets Sp z o.o. have reviewed the industry survey conducted at the first Video+Conference series event in Warsaw, ‘Video+Konferencja Polska 2014’. The event was attended by 50 experts in UC&C and the IT Department directors of enterprises and organizations from around Poland, including AV integrators. The survey reveals that Polish customers are accustomed to video conferencing integrated into meeting rooms, while in CIS, customers are increasingly considering video conferencing as a communication tool for their own workspaces.

Differences and Similarities in User Attitudes towards Video Conferencing in Poland and CIS 1

According to the study, the most important criteria in choosing a video conferencing system for the respondents was the cost of implementing a video conferencing solution (75%), along with video and audio quality (53%). Integration with external equipment and safety also interested more than 38% of the respondents. These are also the most significant concerns for CIS customers, but with slightly different ratio: 70% chose the audio and video quality option, and 65% chose the cost of implementation*. The results of the surveys show that the availability of cloud and mobile versions of video conferencing clients are not yet popular either in CIS or Poland. Thus based on this small sample, we can say that the preferences of Polish users are very close to those of CIS customers, but that there are still some important differences.

Over 65% of the Polish respondents would prefer a private on-premises solution to cloud based video conferencing. Only slightly more than 5% of customers are using video conferencing from the “cloud” right now. Similar statistics were observed in CIS video conferencing market two years ago, but now there is a growth trend in demand for cloud solutions.*

According to our data, Polish video conferencing market has great potential for growth, since more than 72% of respondents plan to expand their video conferencing system, while 22% are willing to replace the old system with a new one that will better meet their business needs. However, compared to the data on the CIS market, Polish customers are more likely to expand their existing video conferencing system (36% in Poland versus 30% in CIS) than they are to buy a new one.

Differences and Similarities in User Attitudes towards Video Conferencing in Poland and CIS 2

At this stage, over 63% of the respondents organize video conferencing sessions using meeting rooms equipped with a video conferencing system. This differs significantly from data in the CIS, where 57% of users prefer to organize video conferences from their personal workspace. This imposes high requirements on their video conferencing systems and hardware: it must be simple to use and to integrate; video and audio quality should be at a high level, and the solution must be available at an acceptable price. Over 33% of the respondents organize video conferencing sessions without leaving their workspace and only a small number use mobile devices. However, global trends predict that these figures will grow.

We can conclude that Polish customers still view video conferencing as an element of meeting rooms, while in CIS this situation, observed a few years ago, gave way to the use of video communication directly from personal workspaces, which corresponds with the trends of the global market.

Peripherals and Equipment

The undisputed leaders among peripheral video equipment are webcams or built-in cameras, which scored more than 58% of the votes. Next came PTZ cameras: they are used by 36% of the respondents. IP cameras were chosen by 22% of respondents, while only 5% chose documentary cameras. A similar situation is observed in the CIS: 76% of the respondents chose webcams, 35% chose PTZ cameras, and 20% chose IP cameras*. These data confirm the similarity of consumer preferences in Poland and CIS.

Differences and Similarities in User Attitudes towards Video Conferencing in Poland and CIS 3

Differences and Similarities in User Attitudes towards Video Conferencing in Poland and CIS 4

The statistics on audio equipment differ from the CIS market: the most popular, with almost equal number of votes, are headsets (over 41%) and built-in laptop speakers/microphones (38%). Only a quarter of those present at the event indicated that they use speakerphones. As we can see, Polish customers organize video conferencing sessions mainly from meeting rooms and are yet to fully understand the benefits of modern UC peripheral devices for PCs.

* TrueConf study based on data from Video+Conference 2013 and Video+Conference Ukraine 2013

About TrueConf,
More than 1500 companies and 3 million customers around the world choose TrueConf to meet their video conferencing needs.TrueConf equips companies, individuals and institutions with cost-effective video conferencing and collaboration solutions for business. TrueConf solutions are powered by native client apps and scalable software infrastructure, which are available both on-premises and as a cloud service. TrueConf solutions are easy to use and are fully compatible with legacy and SIP equipment, meaning that you save money on infrastructure while still utilizing state-of-the art technologies like scalable video coding (SVC) and intelligent stream manipulation.

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