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TrueConf Server 5.3.1 for Windows and Linux: updates and improvements

November 9, 2023
Maria Mihalyova

Maria Mihalyova

Categories: News, TrueConf Server

TrueConf Server 5.3.1 for Windows and Linux: updates and improvements 1

We are excited to release TrueConf Server 5.3.1, the latest update of our flagship video collaboration platform for Windows and Linux. The new version brings a number of useful enhancements and performance improvements.


How to upgrade?

Updates and improvements

  • The following information is now displayed in the ReportsEvents section:
    • no PRO licenses available when a user tries to join a conference
    • revocation of temporary PRO licenses by the administrator of the video collaboration platform
    • automatic revocation of any PRO licenses if they were not enough after the redistribution of permanent PRO licenses
  • The following information is now displayed in the ReportsConfiguration Changes section:
    • changing the settings for displaying PRO licenses in the user interface
    • changing the list of user groups with permanent PRO licenses
  • We’ve fixed an issue that caused some participants connected to the conference via a browser or SIP endpoint not to hear the other users
  • We’ve fixed an issue due to which the conference invitation in .ICS received in the email reminder contained an incorrect event end time
  • We’ve fixed a number of issues that could occur when updating TrueConf Server to version 5.3
  • We’ve fixed an issue due to which a user authorized on a different server could not connect to a public conference by clicking on the Join from Application button on the conference page
  • The overall performance and stability of the video collaboration platform have been enhanced.

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