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TrueConf MCU 1.3 Major Update

June 18, 2021
Alina Krukova

Alina Krukova

Categories: News, TrueConf MCU

TrueConf MCU 1.3 Major Update 1
We are thrilled to announce the release of TrueConf MCU 1.3, a major update of our Linux-based MCU for standards-based video conferencing endpoints.

The new TrueConf MCU brings more flexible conference management tools and extended support for media file formats. It also makes it much easier to host multilingual or large-scale events. Besides, you can take advantage of new administration tools and advanced audio, video, and layout settings.

TrueConf MCU 1.3 is already available for download on our website, don’t forget to update!

New video layouts

Automatic layouts without self-view window

TrueConf MCU 1.3 Major Update 2

System administrators can quickly disable self-view windows which many users do not want to see in the video layout. To do it, just mark this checkbox when creating a conference.

Multiple video scaling options

The new TrueConf MCU allows you to choose between multiple video scaling options to give users the best meeting experience.

TrueConf MCU 1.3 Major Update 3

  • “Crop video”. This mode is designed to display the maximum number of windows in the layout.
  • “Don’t crop video”. Participants’ videos will be scaled to fit the layout window. Videos will not be cropped which helps make a more efficient use of MCU resources when rendering the layout.
  • “Auto”. TrueConf MCU automatically selects the most optimal video scaling mode depending on the number of windows and video resolution.

Overlay layouts

TrueConf MCU 1.3 Major Update 4

TrueConf MCU 1.3 provides support for overlay layouts showing a full-screen window with multiple thumbnail windows laying on top of it. This type of layout may be helpful when one of the participants is showing slides or sharing any other content.

Dedicated layout for recording and streaming

TrueConf MCU 1.3 Major Update 5

Now when recording a meeting or streaming it to third-party services, you can use a layout specifically intended for such purposes. It will typically show only one full-screen window with an active speaker or content shared by participants. This feature may come in handy when there is no need to show all conference participants. This will help you highlight the key discussion points of a meeting and without causing participants any inconveniences. They will be able to use the layout which best fits their needs. Besides, it is possible to create a layout template that will be activated when one of the participants starts sharing content.

Advanced audio settings

Audio mixer

TrueConf MCU 1.3 Major Update 6

TrueConf MCU offers the so-called “audio layouts” allowing users to be divided into multiple groups depending on the audio channel to which they belong. Within each channel participants can be divided into two groups: presenters or those who can share audio with others and attendees able only to listen. The new feature ensures a better conferencing experience when hosting multilingual events requiring simultaneous interpreting. For example, you can create a dedicated channel with a group of attendees receiving audio from an interpreter. Besides, this feature will be very useful if you need to hold a large-scale event with only a few participants allowed to share audio.

Far-end microphone control for each conference participants

TrueConf MCU 1.3 Major Update 7

The new TrueConf MCU enables server administrators to adjust noise reduction and automatic gain control (AGC) levels for each participant’s microphone. To open a window featuring new audio settings, just select the Volume control option in the context menu available for each conference participant.

Removing non-video participants from the layout

TrueConf MCU 1.3 Major Update 8

We have added an option allowing you to remove participants from the layout if they have turned off their camera or are not using any. It is possible to free up screen space for users who are sharing video or any type of content.

Video improvements

Uploading video files to a conference

TrueConf MCU 1.3 Major Update 9

You can now stream MP4 and MKV files either in the general layout and in the content window. To do it, go to the Conferences section, select an ongoing meeting, and click on the “Content sharing” icon. In the new menu, you will be able to select and upload a new file.

VNC streaming without capture cards

TrueConf MCU 1.3 Major Update 10

With the new TrueConf MCU you no longer have to use capture cards to stream media from VNC servers to a conference. Administrators can now add VNC streams as conference participants which makes desktop capturing and sharing much easier.

New “Media Files” tab

TrueConf MCU 1.3 Major Update 11

The “Videos” tab in the “Administration” section has been renamed to “Media Files”. It now stores conference recordings, images and video files uploaded to the server, and administrators can search, view, download and delete these files.

New customization options

Customized avatars in the address book

TrueConf MCU 1.3 Major Update 12

TrueConf MCU administrators can set avatars for address book contacts. The avatar will be shown in the layout window if the user has not yet joined the meeting or has disabled the camera.

Display name styles

TrueConf MCU 1.3 Major Update 13

The new TrueConf MCU brings an advanced toolkit to customize users’ display names during a video meeting. You can change the font, size, alignment, position (in the window), width, or background color. Besides, you can edit the display name if needed.

New server and conference management tools

Waiting rooms

TrueConf MCU 1.3 Major Update 14

We’ve added tools allowing you to move users between conferences — you can enable or disable audio and video sharing for selected participants before they are moved to a new conference. In this way you can create “waiting rooms” where users can set up their audio and video devices before joining a video meeting.

Remote control via DTMF

TrueConf MCU 1.3 Major Update 15

Administrators can now send DTMF commands to any video conferencing endpoint compatible with TrueConf MCU right from the server control panel. Some features such as disabling self-view were previously available on the endpoint side only. With DTMF commands you can control these devices remotely.

Participant “Shuffling”

TrueConf MCU 1.3 Major Update 16

TrueConf MCU enables you to assign a video window where conference conference participants will be “shuffled” or rotated from time to time. It is now possible to change the rotation frequency. To do it, go to the Administration → Video section and change the default value in the Participant rotation interval field.

Custom call settings for each user

TrueConf MCU 1.3 Major Update 17

TrueConf MCU administrators can now select the maximum bitrate and audio or video codecs for each user right in the address book.

Locked conferences

TrueConf MCU 1.3 Major Update 18

To make your conferences more secure, you can now prevent unauthorized users from joining. To do it, just check Lock the meeting in the conference editing menu. An administrator will be able to add a user manually if it is needed.

Offline user statuses

TrueConf MCU 1.3 Major Update 19

When users either leave a conference or are removed by the server administrator, they are automatically transferred to the group named “Not in the conference”. Their status will be indicated either as “left the meeting” or “removed by the administrator”.

System information widget

TrueConf MCU 1.3 Major Update 20

In the upper part of the TrueConf MCU control panel, you can now find a widget displaying data about CPU and network load, the number of ongoing conferences or total number of participants.

Here, to the right side of the widget, you have the buttons for restarting or shutting down TrueConf MCU and rebooting its OS.

Other improvements

  • Maximum bitrate set to 8 Mbps.
  • New button for generating a conference PIN.

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