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TrueConf events brought together Indian IT professionals

February 20, 2024
Maria Mihalyova

Maria Mihalyova

Categories: News, Events

TrueConf events brought together Indian IT professionals 1

On February 13 and 15, 2024, TrueConf team visited Delhi and Bangalore to meet with more than 60 Indian IT&AV specialists. At the IT events, we discussed the main UC&C news, shared our product updates, as well as talked about the importance of secure video collaboration and improving user experience with AI technologies.

TrueConf events brought together Indian IT professionals 2

Saurabh Thakur, CEO of TrueConf India, opened the events telling about our achievements and advantages of on-premises solutions for businesses and government organizations in India. Besides, Saurabh Thakur presented success stories of the deployment of TrueConf products in Indian companies and shared insights into TrueConf’s benefits for different sectors.

TrueConf events brought together Indian IT professionals 3

Rudolf Kotler, CBDO at TrueConf, made a presentation about the critical importance of secure video collaboration in 2024 and told about TrueConf Enterprise, a scalable software video conferencing platform that allows building private communications clouds with up to 1 million users. Besides, he held a workshop dedicated to TrueConf solutions for meeting rooms and SIP/H.323 infrastructure.

TrueConf events brought together Indian IT professionals 4

Lev Yakupov, TrueConf’s CMO, ran a workshop about TrueConf Server, an all-in-one on-premises platform that combines 4K video conferencing, team messaging, and collaboration features. The second master class was dedicated to TrueConf AI-powered conferencing and messaging apps for desktops and mobiles that are designed to support seamless and productive communication no matter where you are or what device you’re using.

During coffee breaks and lunch, specialists could personally network with colleagues in an informal setting, ask questions about TrueConf’s ecosystem of secure video collaboration products, and personally test the solutions for meeting rooms and workplaces at the demozone.

We thank everyone for the bright interest in TrueConf solutions and hope to see you soon!

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