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TrueConf Directory 3.0 Update

December 5, 2018
Alina Krukova

Alina Krukova

We are glad to announce the release of TrueConf Directory 3.0, an enterprise solution designed to sync users registered across different TrueConf Server instances to a unified address book.

The new version features updated client search page and admin panel design, as well as web interface support for mobile devices. TrueConf Directory 3.0 is available for TrueConf Server 4.4.0+ users.

TrueConf Directory 3.0 Update
To get an updated version of TrueConf Directory, contact our sales department.

New Features of Admin Panel

TrueConf Directory admin panel has become more flexible and comfortable for both desktop and mobile users. It is now localized into all languages supported by TrueConf Server. Besides, we have added new sections: Service and Certificates. 

In the Service section you can stop or reset TrueConf Directory Server service, view additional information and enable support for   HTTPS protocol to keep your data secure.

New Features of Admin Panel: Services

In the Certificates section administrators can upload trusted SSL certificates and manage server certificates: create and remove self-signed certificates, review basic parameters of existing certificates and generate certificate requests.

New Features of Admin Panel: Certificates

Updated Client Search Page

We have updated search page design accessible from client applications. Use this window to find subscribers not only by their IDs, but also by their display name  or e-mail address. Updated version of search page is available in TrueConf Client for Windows and iOS.

Updated Client Search Page

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