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TrueConf Server 4.7.3 Update: Key improvements

July 22, 2021
Alina Krukova

Alina Krukova

Categories: News, TrueConf Server

TrueConf Server 4.7.3 Update: Key improvements 1
We are glad to announce the release of TrueConf Server 4.7.3, the latest version of our video collaboration platform that brings a number of useful enhancements. Don’t forget to update!

How to update?

Sorting scheduled meetings by start time

Scheduled meetings in the personal area can now be sorted by their start time. This will allow you to see all upcoming conferences in a matter of seconds. Any meeting to which you were invited by an authorized user will also be on this list.

TrueConf Server 4.7.3 Update: Key improvements 2

TrueConf Server 4.7.3 Update: Key improvements 3

Other improvements

  • We have changed automatic bitrate adjustment mechanisms to make sure that participants’ bitrate does not drop when users with a weak channel join a meeting.
  • The update ensures faster authorization and user search in the address book in cases when there is no connection between the server and some LDAP domains.
  • We have improved the push notification mechanism to make sure that TrueConf for iOS and Android users are instantly notified about text messages and incoming or missed calls.

We have made other improvements based on the feedback provided by system administrators and users. The full changelog will soon be available on our website. Stay tuned!

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