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New Version of TrueConf Server 4.2.1 is Available

June 4, 2014
Alina Krukova

Alina Krukova

Categories: News

We are proud to present you the latest version of our software video conferencing server – TrueConf Server 4.2.1. The new version
includes an updated TrueConf Client application version 6.4.3, and features mandatory update from previous versions.
TrueConf Server 4.2.1 also includes some minor internal fixes aimed at more stable and sustainable performance of
the software.


    Fixes in TrueConf Server 4.2.1 Server Side

  • TrueConf Client application updated to version 6.4.3
  • Mandatory update feature for client applications for Windows up to version 6.4.3

Fixes in TrueConf Client 6.4.3 Application for Windows

  • Fixed sound issues caused by echo cancellation system work in version 6.4.2
  • Fixed issue with slow Desktop Sharing tool performance present in TrueConf Client 6.4.2
  • Improved video quality in small video windows (320х180 or less) in group video conferences.
  • Fixed problems with showing guest user names connected via WebRTC application.
  • Fixed issues with Desktop Sharing tool transmitted from Windows 8.0
  • Boosted folding and unfolding of user group lists in the Address Book.
    Known Problems in TrueConf Server 4.2.1

  • Asymmetric conference in WebRTC is displayed as symmetric.
  • Taking podium in WebRTC version occurs automatically.
  • Role-based conference management is possible only using client applications, not WebRTC.

For all inquiries please address us by phone: +1 (833) 878-32-63
or by e-mail

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