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New Version of TrueConf Online Released

March 24, 2014
Alina Krukova

Alina Krukova

Categories: News

We are proud to introduce an updated version of TrueConf Online 6.4.2 with the ability to receive video in HD quality
from each participant of a group conference.


List of Changes in the Client Application TrueConf Client 6.4.2:

  • Video resolution from each of the participant in group conferences increased to HD quality (720p). TrueConf
    system and network requirements
    were changed.
  • Supported the ability to format text in the chat tool and the ability to clean the chat history.
  • Added display of the number of contacts in the Address Book tabs.
  • Desktop Sharing can be accessed without installing additional drivers.
  • Volume control keys correspond properly. Earlier the combination Ctrl+”+” reduced volume, and Ctrl+”-” increased it.
  • Cyrillic email domains can be used during registration.
  • Fixed bug “Cannot focus a disabled or invisible window” in the Address Book.

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions!

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