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TrueConf 3.5.2 for iOS: updates and improvements

December 1, 2023
Maria Mihalyova

Maria Mihalyova

TrueConf 3.5.2 for iOS: updates and improvements 1

We are glad to release TrueConf 3.5.2, the latest update of our video conferencing and team messaging app for iOS and iPadOS. The new version brings a number of useful enhancements and performance improvements.



Updates and improvements

  • In the appearance settings, you can now choose System color design — the light and dark themes will change according to the selected system theme
  • TrueConf 3.5.2 for iOS: updates and improvements 2

  • We’ve added a background image for audio and video calls, video conferences, and waiting rooms
  • TrueConf 3.5.2 for iOS: updates and improvements 3        TrueConf 3.5.2 for iOS: updates and improvements 4        TrueConf 3.5.2 for iOS: updates and improvements 5

  • We’ve improved productivity in group and personal chats
  • The overall performance and stability of the application have been enhanced.

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