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TrueConf Helps to Transform Healthcare Delivery for the Elderly

December 4, 2019
Alina Krukova

Alina Krukova

Categories: News, telemedicine

TrueConf Helps to Transform Healthcare Delivery for the Elderly 1

Effective communication among healthcare providers is critical to avoiding medical errors and increasing patient satisfaction. We are proud to tell that TrueConf solutions have been successfully used by Seniorenheim am Saaleufer, a German assisted living facility to improve care for elderly people. This project is a great example of how video conferencing can support daily operations of medical organizations and make them more responsive to patients’ needs.

Seniorenheim am Saaleufer (SaS) GmbH is a German-based assisted living facility offering elderly people medical services, counselling, and accommodations. This organization operates five nursing homes in different parts of Bavaria and provides both inpatient and ambulatory care. SaS healthcare workers required real-life collaboration tools that would allow them to coordinate their efforts, minimize the risk of errors, and reduce the need to travel.

To cope with these tasks, the management chose to implement a secure video collaboration system. TrueConf Server was ultimately chosen as the meeting solution that could best address the needs of different stakeholders. The new system was deployed on SaS servers which made it impossible for outsiders to access patients’ confidential information. In addition to that, medical workers received easy-to-use client applications for Windows, Android, and iOS that enabled them to contact their colleagues, discuss diagnoses or the course of treatment.

All in all, TrueConf Server connected five nursing homes and allowed 250 employees to collaborate with each other. This solution reduced the risk of medical errors almost to a minimum and helped SaS cut the costs of travel.

Do you want to implement a similar telemedicine system in your facility? Just give us a ping via online chat and tell more about your project. Our managers will be happy to provide you with a free demo of the best TrueConf offerings.

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