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TrueConf Mobile 1.2.1 for iOS Released

March 20, 2013
Alina Krukova

Alina Krukova

Categories: News

TrueConf presents a new version of its iOS client application that supports group or multi-party video conferencing. You can now call clients and partners from anywhere in the world using your favorite iPhone
or iPad.

TrueConf Mobile 1.2.1 for iOS Released 1


What’s new in TrueConf for iOS 1.2.1?

  • group video conferences support
  • support of symmetric and role-based video conferences
  • added the «Create conference», «Take Podium» and «Invite to the podium» functions
  • added a list of conference participants
  • support of 4 inbound and 1 outbound video streams


  • Support of over 2 inbound video streams is only available for iPhone 5 or later.

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