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TrueConf at InfoComm Asia 2024

July 23, 2024
Maria Mihalyova

Maria Mihalyova

Categories: News Tradeshows

TrueConf at InfoComm Asia 2024 1

Last week, TrueConf participated in InfoComm Asia 2024, the fourth edition of the renowned international Pro AV exhibition, bringing together over 7,000 attendees and 180 exhibitors from 15 countries.

TrueConf team delivered a speech to the exhibition attendees, demonstrating how on-premises solutions are implemented in enterprises of all sizes and emphasizing the importance of security when it comes to corporate communications.

TrueConf at InfoComm Asia 2024 2

Besides, at the stand, we showcased our groundbreaking innovations in the realm of video collaboration:

  • TrueConf Server 5.4, a security-focused UC platform tailored to private networks that now features simultaneous interpretation, infinite layouts, and new messenger capabilities
  • TrueConf 8, an all-in-one AI-powered collaboration application designed to elevate the video conferencing experience ensuring a smooth and efficient communication environment for all users
  • TrueConf Room, next generation PC-based software for corporate meeting rooms that incorporates built-in AI features.

We appreciate the interest of InfoComm Asia attendees in TrueConf video collaboration solutions. We look forward to seeing you next year!

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