We would like to remind you about adding TrueConf Server’s ability to add broadcasts from RTSP sources to video conferencing sessions.
The RTSP protocol is used for live audio/video streaming in real time. Most often it is used for video surveillance with IP cameras or for various broadcasts. TrueConf Server solution allows to view and record RTSP broadcasts directly from TrueConf client application. Our users can add an RTSP source to their Address Book or call it by entering a link to the source in the address bar of the client application and clicking the Call button.
TrueConf Server clients can install new or use existing IP cameras with support for RTSP protocol to organize a 24-hour video surveillance on important objects.
We hope that the support for RTSP broadcasting will help our clients resolve issues arising under video surveillance organization or workflow management as quickly and efficient as possible.
Read more about this deployment in the press release.
Feel free to contact us in respect of any matters in which you are concerned on 1-347-TRUECNF (1-347-878-3263) or at pr@trueconf.com