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New version TrueConf VCS 3.0.7 has been released

July 26, 2010
Alina Krukova

Alina Krukova

Categories: News

Our company is pleased to announce the release of new version of software video conferencing server TrueConf VCS 3.0.7.

The following features were introduced:

  • Official support for 64-bit Windows 7/Vista systems
  • Desktop sharing bug fixes
  • Minor sound quality improvements
  • SBS/SBS Plus to TrueConf VCS update process improved
  • Some “network errors” in UDP Multicast mode were fixed
  • Network settings tab updated
  • Client documentation updated

Our mission is to bring affordable video conferencing solutions to the small and medium business around the Globe. We are always glad to hear all your comments and suggestions.

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