In July 2024, Telegram introduced a new feature – an integrated browser within the messenger, enabling users to open links from chats without using other browsers.
As a result, TrueConf users on iOS and Android may encounter some difficulties. Specifically, they may be unable to join a conference via the TrueConf app directly from a Telegram link, as the internal browser does not support links of this format. However, users can still join the conference through a browser either as a guest or by logging in.
To avoid this issue, we recommend using one of the three methods below:
- Copy the conference link received in the messenger and paste it into the search bar of the TrueConf app, then press the call button.
- Copy the conference link received in the messenger and open it using the address bar of any other browser installed on your device.
- Turn off Telegram’s in-app browser as the default method for opening links.
Table of Contents
Disabling the Internal Browser on Android
To disable this feature, go to Settings → Chat Settings:
There, you will find a toggle for the In-App Browser, which you need to switch to the inactive state:
After this, any link you click on in Telegram will open in the default browser selected on your device.
Disabling the Internal Browser on iOS
Go to Settings and select Data and Storage:
Then, navigate to the Other section and select Open Links in:
After this, choose the browser that will be used for opening links.