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Express yourself with TrueConf 1.7.1 for iOS

November 28, 2016
Alina Krukova

Alina Krukova

Categories: News, iOS

Good news, everyone! We have just announced a new version of TrueConf 1.7.1 for iOS. V1.7.1 is packed with new features that enhance user experience and provide our clients with additional functionality. So let’s update and delve into the new options together with TrueConf!


Call History

Tired of constantly scrolling your contact list to find the person you have just called? We made things easier for you by introducing Call History! To see missed, outgoing and incoming calls, open your Contact List and slide to unlock your Call History. You can see time, date, and duration of your calls in your Call History.
Express yourself with TrueConf 1.7.1 for iOS 1


You can now easily express your opinion during multipoint conferences with the help of our new Reactions feature. Reactions will let you be clear about what you think: just click on the Participants tab, choose your reaction (e.g. Yes, No, Applaud, Laugh, etc.) and see opinions of other conference participants. The icons are bright, recognizable, and easy to use.

Express yourself with TrueConf 1.7.1 for iOS 2

Animated Avatars

TrueConf finally supports animated avatars! Let your avatar express your thoughts and feelings: upload a GIF animation as your profile picture in your Personal Area at TrueConf website. Animated avatars can be seen within the application and make your profile really special.

Express yourself with TrueConf 1.7.1 for iOS 3

TrueConf URI API

TrueConf webinars are now available for iOS users: with TrueConf 1.7.1 you can join public web conference as a guest without authorization. Full support for TrueConf URI API allows you to call users, run video conferences, and sign in within the application as a guest via a link.

TrueConf 1.7.1 for iOS Changelog

  • Added. Call history
  • Added. Reactions in multipoint conferences
  • Added. Animated avatars support
  • Changed. iOS 10 compatibility
  • Changed. Full compatibility with iPhone 6, 6s, 7, 6 Plus, 6s Plus, and 7 Plus
  • Changed. In-app social logins with Google and Facebook
  • Changed. Full support for TrueConf URI API
  • Fixed. Bugs

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