ISE 2017 – The AV World Hits Amsterdam

March 6, 2017 Source

It seems our friends from the Eastern Europe never sleep. At each and every show, Lev from TrueConf (see image below) and his team announce a slew of new features, functions, or solutions that make the company’s video conferencing solution most powerful and scalable. ISE 2017 was no exception.

ISE 2017 - The AV World Hits Amsterdam 1

Key noteworthy features (some brand new, some announced just recently) include support for up to 100 SIP / H.323 users per server, the use of scalable video coding, and interoperability with Lync 2013 (but NOT Skype for Business). In addition, the team demoed the TrueConf Terminal 2.0 (yes – not a great marketing name) – a headless video conferencing system that is controlled by a browser running on an in-room tablet. The concept here is to allow the reseller / customer to create a completely custom UI and workflow using TrueConf’s HTTP APIs. The terminal software is available free, but the API access needed to control the unit has a one-time cost of US $500.

Final note – did you know that the TrueConf server software, including support for up to 6 session participants, is available for FREE? Those needing more users per meetings will have to pay up, but those with basic needs could do quite well with this software solution.

Published on March 3, 2017 by Wainhouse Research
Categories Social Connection