Videoconferência para Educação

Host remote lectures and online seminars, communicate with teachers and classmates via video link, and easily share educational materials!

Videoconferência para Educação
Universidade de Oriente Santiago de Cuba

Universidade de Oriente Santiago de Cuba

TrueConf Server é um dos sistemas mais completos e estáveis que temos implementado na nossa rede. Recebemos também grande atenção de apoio técnico, que sempre foi capaz de responder a todas as nossas perguntas.

Ernesto Eduardo Diaz Conde

Engenheiro de Sistemas de TI

Licenciamento Acadêmico

TrueConf Server license, specially designed to support educational institutions. Get an advanced video conferencing solution at a bargain price!

Licenciamento Acadêmico
Videoconferência para Educação
Educação infantil, fundamental e médio

Video conferencing solutions are becoming increasingly popular as a learning tool, allowing teachers to attend multiple online classes simultaneously, create engaging training programs, present slides, and conduct interactive lessons.

College Prep School

Video meeting platforms can help students prepare for exams online, get grades for college admission, participate in virtual tours of their favorite educational institutions, and enjoy comprehensive digital education.

Higher Education

Online communication in higher education facilities can boost admission practices and expand the potential reach of a college by providing students, teachers, or researchers with remote access to the university's unique resources.

Bolsistas de doutorado

Video conferencing can become a safe alternative during natural disasters or emergencies when further research is impossible due to limited access to laboratories or departments.

Field Trips

Virtual field trips created using online meeting capabilities are a great way to engage students and broaden their horizons beyond what they can usually experience or observe in the classroom.

Mental Health

The video communication solution can be successfully utilized in mental health services for distance learning, mental health assessment, and treatment.

TrueConf for University Education

TrueConf solutions allow you to organize not only remote lectures and seminars but also virtual public events, thanks to 4K video communication and a wide range of collaboration tools.

TrueConf for University Education

Webinar Platform

Host online events for millions of users with TrueConf! Create webinars on the fly or plan ahead — invitations with the link will be sent automatically!

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Webinar Platform

Distance Education

The built-in video lecture conference mode is designed specifically for remote lessons, helping to focus on the educational process — the teacher sees all the students, while the students see only the teacher!

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Distance Education

Recursos baseados em IA

Use advanced smart algorithm features for education: host video lectures with external noise cancellation, blur or replace backgrounds with branding, and convert class recordings into detailed transcripts.

Supressão de Ruído Inteligente

Desfocando e substituindo o fundo

Transcrição Automática de Conferências

Ferramentas de colaboração

Collaboration tools will simplify and facilitate the learning process: communicate through personal and group chats, share files, show presentations, or share your desktop with students.

Ferramentas de colaboração

Recording Lessons and Seminars

Record lessons and share videos with students in one click! Lectures will be automatically recorded and saved on a secure server or the administrator's computer.

Recording Lessons and Seminars

Connecting to Classes from any Device

Free client applications for Windows, Linux, macOS, as well as iOS and Android, and even connection via WebRTC. Join conferences from any available device!

Connecting to Classes from any Device

Slow Internet is not a hindrance!

High-quality video conferences even in conditions of unstable Internet connection! Host large-scale lectures and seminars: thanks to the features of TrueConf, students will definitely receive all the necessary information.

Slow Internet is not a hindrance!

Easy Integration with LMS

TrueConf solutions are integrated with educational e-course management systems, including Moodle. Plan and conduct online lessons inside your LMS, providing students with a schedule!

Easy Integration with LMS

Projetos Implementados

Implementamos milhares de projetos bem-sucedidos em todo o mundo para instituições governamentais e financeiras, bem como para agências de aplicação da lei, indústria, educação e medicina.

Projetos Implementados

Try a secure video conferencing education platform!

Perguntas Frequentes

How does video conferencing work in the classroom?

Video conferencing in the classroom enables remote learning by connecting students and teachers through live video and audio communication. Using a computer or device with a webcam, microphone, and internet connection, students join virtual classrooms, participate in discussions, show presentations, and share resources. Teachers schedule and invite students to online meetings, where they can interact in real-time, ask questions, and engage in collaborative activities using features like screen sharing, chat, and interactive tools. Video conferencing in the classroom provides a flexible and inclusive learning environment, bridging the gap between physical locations.

Quem pode usar videoconferência para educação?

Video conferencing for education can be utilized by educators, students, parents, administrators, and guest speakers.

It enables teachers to deliver virtual classes and interact with students in real-time, while students can attend online classes, collaborate with peers, and ask questions. Parents also are able to participate in parent-teacher meetings and communicate with teachers.

As for the guest speakers and experts, they can be brought in from anywhere to provide valuable insights to students.

Quais são os benefícios da videoconferência na aprendizagem?

Video conferencing in learning offers many benefits!

Firstly, it enables remote education, allowing students to attend classes from anywhere with an internet connection. This flexibility is especially useful for students who are unable to physically attend school.

Secondly, video conferencing promotes active engagement and participation through real-time interactions between students and teachers. It allows for discussions, Q&A sessions, and collaborative activities, enhancing the learning experience.

Additionally, video conferencing facilitates access to a wider range of resources and experts from different locations. Schools can bring in guest speakers and connect with professionals to provide diverse perspectives and enrich learning.

Lastly, video conferencing encourages effective communication and collaboration among students, fostering teamwork and the development of important skills for the digital age.

O que é teleconferência na educação?

Teleconferencing in education refers to the use of telecommunication technologies to facilitate communication and collaboration between educators and students who are located in different places. It involves the use of audio and video conferencing tools to conduct virtual classes, meetings, or discussions. With teleconferencing, teachers and students can connect in real-time, allowing for interactive remote learning experiences. This technology enables educators to deliver lectures, facilitate discussions, and provide support to students, regardless of their physical location. Teleconferencing promotes access to education, enhances communication, and fosters collaboration among students and educators, bridging the gap between distance and traditional learning.

What is the Importance of teleconferencing in education?

A teleconferência facilita o aprendizado e a colaboração remotos. Veja por que é importante para a educação moderna:

Accessibility to Education. Teleconferencing eliminates geographical limitations, enabling students to engage in learning from any location. This expands educational opportunities for residents of remote or low-income regions.

Flexibility. Thanks to teleconferencing, students can balance their education with other commitments such as work or family responsibilities.

Cost Efficiency. Teleconferencing proves cost-effective in comparison to traditional face-to-face training. It reduces expenses related to travel and accommodation.

Improved Collaboration. Teleconferencing proves cost-effective in comparison to traditional face-to-face training. It reduces expenses related to travel and accommodation.

What are examples of Video Conferencing in Education?

Video conferencing has become a fundamental component of education, serving as a universal tool in a variety of educational settings, from primary to tertiary levels and beyond. Here are several examples illustrating the diverse application of video conferencing within educational contexts:

Interactive Virtual Classrooms. Educational institutions utilize video conferencing platforms to organize virtual classrooms, enabling live lectures and promoting real-time interaction between teachers and students.

Distance Education Initiatives. Universities and colleges integrate video conferencing into their distance learning programs, delivering courses remotely to students who cannot attend traditional on-campus classes. This approach allows learners to pursue degrees from a distance while receiving the same quality education as their on-campus counterparts.

Guest Lectures and Expert Presentations. By leveraging video conferencing technology, educational institutions overcome geographical barriers by inviting guest speakers and subject-matter experts from around the world to deliver information.

Effective Parent-Teacher Communication. Video conferencing streamlines parent-teacher communication, eliminating the need for in-person meetings. This innovation enables parents to actively engage in discussions regarding their child's academic progress, receive feedback from teachers, and collaboratively develop strategies to support their child's learning journey.

What are the best practices for using video conferencing during class?

Here are some straightforward and effective guidelines for utilizing video conferencing during class!

Preparação Técnica:

• Check the video, audio, and settings before starting the class

• Ensure a reliable internet connection and have a contingency plan in place

• Make sure all participants are familiar with features of the collaboration platform you are using

Crie uma agenda estruturada:

• Develop a comprehensive plan outlining the topics, goals, and activities to be covered

• Hand out the agenda to students in advance

Envolva os alunos ativamente:

• Encourage student participation through polls, discussions, and Q&A sessions

• Enhance engagement by incorporating multimedia and interactive tools

Gerencie o tempo de maneira eficaz:

• Adhere to a predetermined schedule to optimize your class time

• Adjust the pace of the class as necessary based on student engagement

Incentive o feedback:

• Request feedback from students regarding their experience with the video conferencing sessions

• Analyze the feedback received and make any necessary changes