Faça reuniões

Sistema Seguro de Videoconferência e Mensageiro Corporativo

O servidor de videoconferência e colaboração de última geração agora está disponível gratuitamente para até 50 usuários!

Software de videoconferência para comunicação segura

TrueConf Server 5.4!

Host meetings with real-time interpretation, utilize the new powerful layout editor, and extend conferences on the go. Discover the advanced features of the messenger, including favorite chats, typing status, and read indicator to see who has viewed your messages!

Software de videoconferência para comunicação segura

TrueConf 3.0

Uma nova interface, desfoque e substituição de fundo, além de recursos avançados de mensagens corporativas agora estão disponíveis no aplicativo para dispositivos Android!

Software de videoconferência para comunicação segura
Faça reuniões

TrueConf MCU 2.1

Novos modos de conferência, a capacidade de gerenciar centralmente os endpoints do TrueConf Group e a opção de enviar convites por e-mail aos participantes.

Software de videoconferência para comunicação segura

Conferências com até 2000 Participantes

Planeje e crie conferências rapidamente, reúna até 2000 participantes em um evento e desfrute de comunicação realista usando algoritmos avançados de IA.

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Conferências com até 2000 Participantes

Mensageiro de Equipe

Organize toda a comunicação em um aplicativo: encontre colegas facilmente, crie bate-papos para equipes e projetos e compartilhe arquivos.

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Mensageiro de Equipe

Esquema de Rede do Servidor TrueConf

Esquema de Rede do Servidor TrueConf - 1
Esquema de Rede do Servidor TrueConf - 2
Esquema de Rede do Servidor TrueConf - 3
Esquema de Rede do Servidor TrueConf - 4

Recursos baseados em IA

Aproveite recursos avançados de comunicação: participe de videoconferências mesmo com ruído externo, desfoque, substitua e marque o fundo e converta gravações de conferências em transcrições detalhadas.

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Supressão de Ruído Inteligente

Desfocando e substituindo o fundo

Transcrição das Reuniões

Gestão de conferências

Controle as câmeras e os microfones dos participantes de reuniões on-line, crie um layout de janela de vídeo para qualquer cenário e concentre a atenção do público em informações importantes.

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Gestão de conferências

Colaboração em equipe

Compartilhe apresentações, telas da área de trabalho e janelas de aplicativos, desenhe e adicione anotações, mostre conteúdo e vídeos com som e gerencie a área de trabalho dos seus interlocutores.

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Colaboração em equipe

Comunicações unificadas

Status de presença estendidos e conexões de vários dispositivos permitirão que você mantenha contato com colegas em horários convenientes.

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Comunicações unificadas

Aplicações de Desktop

Um mensageiro corporativo para videoconferência e comunicação segura, executado com base em sistemas operacionais e navegadores populares.

Dispositivos móveis

Organize videoconferências e discuta tarefas em chats de qualquer lugar — todas as comunicações corporativas em um aplicativo móvel!

TrueConf Software e dispositivos para salas de reunião

Integração com salas de reunião e endpoints

Conecte-se a videoconferências de endpoints de terceiros usando protocolos SIP e H.323. Basta registrar seu hardware no TrueConf Server, e os endpoints se tornarão participantes com pleno direito na reunião!

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TrueConf Group

TrueConf Group é um ponto de extremidade de videoconferência de hardware que suporta protocolos SIP/H.323 e possui um módulo MCU integrado.

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TrueConf Room

TrueConf Room é um software para organizar videoconferências 4K em salas de reunião e conferência.


TrueConf Coordinator

Um complexo de hardware e software para gerenciamento de equipamentos em salas de reunião e conferência em regime chave na mão.

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Nossos Projetos

Ministério da Segurança Pública

Ministério da Segurança Pública

Agência governamental responsável por manter a lei, a segurança nacional, a ordem social e várias funções administrativas. A implementação da solução TrueConf permitiu que o Ministério conduzisse suas funções de forma mais eficaz e segura, garantindo a integridade e a confidencialidade de suas operações.

Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL)

Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL)

Um dos maiores fabricantes aeroespaciais e de defesa da Ásia, principalmente envolvido em design, desenvolvimento e fabricação de aeronaves, helicópteros e suas peças de reposição. A TrueConf forneceu à HAL uma rede privada para comunicações corporativas e colaboração que permite que mais de 30 mil funcionários se comuniquem perfeitamente de qualquer dispositivo conveniente.

Central Atômica de Narora (NAPS)

Central Atômica de Narora (NAPS)

Usina nuclear que desempenha um papel crucial na infraestrutura de geração de energia da Índia. Com a TrueConf, a NAPS deu um passo à frente na adoção da transformação digital para simplificar o processo de comunicação, produtividade, colaboração e eficiência das operações.

Polícia Regional de Peel

Polícia Regional de Peel

Terceira maior força municipal do Canadá com 2.200 membros juramentados, servindo aproximadamente 1,48 milhões de cidadãos. A Polícia abriu a estação comunitária virtual com base na solução de videoconferência TrueConf para modernizar suas operações e interagir com o público remotamente e ser mais responsiva às suas necessidades.

Escolha a Solução Apropriada

Para equipes pequenas

Para equipes pequenas

TrueConf Server Free

  • Aplicativo de mensagem de equipe gratuito para 50 usuários
  • Comunicação segura dentro da sua rede
  • Bate-papos pessoais e em grupo
  • Videoconferências 4K com até 10 participantes
  • Ferramentas de colaboração
  • Planejamento e gravação de videoconferências
  • Agendamento e gravação de reuniões
  • 1 conexão de convidados
  • Aplicativos cliente para todas as plataformas populares
Para pequenas e médias empresas

Para pequenas e médias empresas

TrueConf Server

  • Inclui todos os recursos de TrueConf Server Free
  • Número ilimitado de usuários
  • Videoconferências para 1.500 ou mais participantes
  • Mensageiro de equipe integrado
  • Trabalho offline em redes fechadas sem conexão com a Internet
  • Integração com salas de reunião e terminais SIP/H.323
  • Compatível com diretórios PBX e LDAP
  • Webinars e conferências públicas
  • Gravação de conferências, transcrição de reuniões e muito mais
Para grandes empresas

Para grandes empresas

TrueConf Enterprise

  • Todos os recursos do TrueConf Server
  • Um único diretório de usuários
  • Infraestrutura disponível
  • Balanceamento de carga e distribuição flexível de licenças
  • Integração com sistemas DLP
  • Monitoramento de rede abrangente
  • Controlador de fronteira
  • Operação confirmada em sistemas com até 1 milhão de usuários

Avance para um novo patamar de comunicação corporativa!

Experimente os benefícios de TrueConf Server agora!

Perguntas Frequentes

O que é videoconferência?

Video conferencing is a communication system that enables users to organize personal video calls and group conferences. When team members are geographically dispersed, technologies enable real-time interactive exchange of audio and video data among participants. Communication becomes more convenient and efficient thanks to a wide range of features, including collaboration tools such as presentations, screen sharing, and annotations.

Why is video communication important for your business?

In today's fast-paced world, video conferencing has become one of the most important tools that helps businesses reach new prospects, meet new partners, and close profitable deals despite long distances and different time zones. This is because video-based communication elevates formal conversations by providing face-to-face contact and allowing participants to read each other's body language. Additionally, online conferences enable companies to boost the productivity of remote workflows and expand business activities beyond their domestic country.

How does video conferencing work?

On the Participant's Side

The required peripherals are connected to each participant's device (whether it’s a computer, smartphone, or even a Smart TV): these include a camera, a microphone, and speakers or headphones to play back the received sound. Video and audio data are captured and digitized either directly by the connected peripherals or at the device level.

On the Server Side

The video conferencing server acts as a central hub for processing data from client applications. Depending on the architecture employed (such as SVC or MCU), the system processes the data in a specific manner and, when required, merges it into a finalized video layout.

The media streams are then transmitted back to each participant, allowing them to see and hear the other interlocutors. Alongside receiving and sending media data, the server continuously processes auxiliary signals: information about user statuses, notifications about the start of a call or conference, and data on the quality of participants' communication.

What is video communication?

Video communication is a virtual conversation involving two or more participants, who can hear, see, and speak to each other in real time using video-enabled devices such as desktops and mobiles. In the business world, a growing number of companies globally are leveraging online meetings to strengthen connections with partners, customers, and suppliers, while maintaining seamless remote collaboration processes in today’s hybrid work environment.

What's the best video conferencing software?

Which video conferencing platform is right for your business? The answer generally depends on your organization’s unique requirements and needs. While personal communication is not demanding and doesn’t require complicated setups, enterprise customers are usually looking at more advanced features, such as 4K resolution, large-scale meetings, integration with conference room systems, reports and monitoring, etc.

When choosing the best video conferencing software it is important to note that cloud-based video conferencing systems largely depend on an Internet connection and third-party security measures, creating vulnerabilities for enterprises adopting the technology. Privacy-conscious orgs usually opt in for self-hosted collaboration platforms that operate totally offline in your LAN/VPN network to ensure that all communications, meeting recordings and personal data stay within your company network under your supervision.

Here is an overview of the best video conferencing software with a breakdown of features our customers care about the most.


Zoom is a cloud-based video conferencing platform that allows individuals and organizations to conduct virtual meetings, webinars, and collaborative sessions. It supports audio and video conferencing, live chats, screen sharing, and other communication features. Zoom is known for its ease of use, high-quality audio/video, and cross-platform compatibility, being available on Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, and Android, as well as via web browsers.

Zoom provides free high-quality video conferencing for up to 40 minutes per group meeting. With a Zoom Pro plan for $14.99 per month, you can host unlimited conferences with up to 100 participants (can be increased up to 1,000 with Large Meetings add-on which costs approximately $600 per year). The Pro plan also adds more features, such as cloud recording and streaming. A more expensive Business plan enables recording transcripts, company branding, single sign-on, and other enterprise features.

Key features include virtual backgrounds, breakout rooms for splitting larger meetings into smaller groups, and the ability to record sessions. Despite facing security concerns in the past, Zoom has implemented several security measures, such as end-to-end encryption, meeting passwords, and waiting rooms. It's widely used for business meetings and online education.

Google Meet (Hangouts)

Google Meet is a secure video conferencing solution developed by Google. It's built for both business and personal use and is widely recognized for its integration with Google's suite of products like Gmail and Google Calendar. As part of the Google Workspace platform, it allows users to easily join meetings via shared links without the need for additional software, as it operates directly in modern web browsers and through mobile apps available on iOS and Android.

Com o Google Meet, os usuários podem hospedar e participar de reuniões on-line na Web gratuitamente. No entanto, existem algumas limitações das quais você deve estar ciente ao usar a versão gratuita. Você não pode realizar uma reunião por mais de 1 hora por dia, enquanto o número de participantes é limitado a 100.

Google Meet allows free access to many useful tools such as desktop sharing, gallery view, and many others. However, some essential features, such as meeting recording, “hand raise” function, and breakout rooms are only available in paid plans.

Skype for Business

Skype for Business was a professional enterprise-grade communications platform developed by Microsoft, which offered features such as instant messaging, video conferencing, and voice calls. It was designed to integrate with Microsoft Office applications and provide a seamless communication experience in a corporate environment.

Skype For Business provides video conferencing for up to 250 participants, call recording, and anonymous polls. Some other Skype features worth mentioning are:

Integração com Outlook e outros aplicativos da Microsoft.

Shared workspace. Meeting participants can not only discuss the project, but also collaborate on documents and follow workflow progress. Up to 6 participants on screen.

Controles do host: se um apresentador repentinamente esquecer de desligar o microfone ou alguém quebrar as regras, o organizador pode corrigir isso rapidamente.

Segurança. O Skype oferece proteção aprimorada contra ataques de hackers.

As of July 31, 2021, Microsoft stopped operating Skype for Business Online, redirecting its users to Microsoft Teams, which now is the primary communications platform for businesses within the Microsoft ecosystem. Skype for Business Server, the on-premises version, is still available with a specific expiration date for extended support.


Jitsi Meet is an open source WebRTC engine demo developed by 8X8 Inc. It provides free video meetings available from your browser. It is known for its flexibility and privacy-focused features. The main components of Jitsi include Jitsi Meet, Jitsi Videobridge, and Jitsi Desktop (formerly known as Jitsi SIP Communicator).

Jitsi does not provide desktop client apps, only mobile users can join a meeting from Jitsi app. Jitsi allows only 75 participants per meeting, which makes it a controversial choice for large-scale conferences.

If you're setting Jitsi on your server, you may require custom development and installation of additional software, which raises the need to hire an IT specialist. Finally, Jitsi may not be a good choice if you have an unstable Internet connection: it’s very demanding regarding system requirements and bandwidth.

Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams is a cloud-based unified communication and collaboration platform that combines persistent workplace chat, video meetings, file storage, and application integration. It is integrated into the Microsoft 365 suite of applications and is designed to help teams collaborate in a modern and efficient way. With Microsoft Teams, you can host meetings for up to 300 users.

With its deep integration with other Microsoft services like SharePoint, OneNote, and Office, Teams offers a comprehensive toolset for teams to communicate, collaborate, and streamline their workflows in one shared workspace.

Microsoft Teams platform may have certain disadvantages, including confusing file structure and limited security options. Teams works best when fully integrated with other Microsoft services, which can be less ideal for users or organizations that rely on a diverse set of non-Microsoft tools.


Cisco's Webex stands out as a solution crafted specifically for corporate virtual meetings and interactive online sessions. With a rich array of features including high-quality video calls, effortless sharing of screens and files, customizable virtual backgrounds, and a collaborative digital whiteboard, Webex meets all your remote gatherings needs

Webex seamlessly integrates with widely-used productivity suites like Microsoft Office, Google Workspace, and Salesforce, enhancing its adaptability across diverse business environments. Plus, Webex offers tailored solutions to address specific requirements such as training sessions, customer support, interactive Q&A; sessions, real-time polling, and dynamic breakout discussions.

An outstanding feature of Webex is its robust security measures, encompassing end-to-end encryption and compliance with international security standards, ensuring the protection of confidential communications.

Although Webex boasts a comprehensive interface, new users may require some time to acclimate, particularly if they are accustomed to simpler platforms. Additionally, the free version's limitations often prompt users to upgrade to a subscription for full functionality. Furthermore, individuals with older hardware may experience resource strain when using Webex.

Nevertheless, Webex remains a dependable choice for professional-grade video conferencing needs, providing a secure and seamless platform for corporate communication.


Verizon's BlueJeans presents itself as a high-quality cloud-based video conferencing service tailored specifically for enterprise and business requirements. Its primary aim is to facilitate seamless collaboration and communication across various platforms. Users can effortlessly participate in multi-party video calls using their desktops, mobile devices, or room systems. BlueJeans places a strong emphasis on simplicity and adaptability, seamlessly integrating with a variety of third-party hardware and software solutions such as Microsoft Teams, Slack, and Office 365.

BlueJeans offers features, including top-notch video quality, content sharing, customizable virtual backgrounds, robust meeting recording capabilities, comprehensive analytics, and live streaming options for events. Security is a top priority, with the implementation of encryption protocols and secure meeting controls. Notably, BlueJeans distinguishes itself by incorporating Dolby Voice audio technology, ensuring crystal-clear sound with minimal background noise. Moreover, hosts have access to moderation tools to manage participant permissions and ensure smooth meeting proceedings.

Despite its notable strengths, some users, particularly those from smaller businesses, might perceive BlueJeans' pricing as relatively steep compared to other alternatives. Although user-friendly, the platform's interface and feature set may not rival the depth offered by larger competitors. Nevertheless, BlueJeans remains a reliable choice for those seeking a dependable video conferencing solution, with a strong focus on superior audio quality and cross-platform compatibility.


Lifesize represents a sophisticated video conferencing platform aimed at enhancing enterprise and business communications through the fusion of cutting-edge hardware and cloud-based software solutions. Emphasizing security, it employs end-to-end encryption to safeguard the privacy of video meetings across various modes, including one-on-one calls, large group meetings, and webinars. Lifesize's distinguished reputation for delivering exceptional video and audio quality is supported by its range of conference room systems and compatibility with 4K video resolution.

The platform seamlessly integrates with diverse business tools such as Microsoft Teams, Outlook, and Slack, among others, facilitating productivity and collaboration. Lifesize offers a comprehensive suite of features, including meeting recording, live streaming, real-time analytics, calendar integration, and an intuitive interface designed to streamline meeting management and participation.

A notable aspect of Lifesize is its provision of dedicated hardware that complements its software, ensuring a consistent and controlled video conferencing environment. However, the investment required for Lifesize's hardware and software solutions may pose a challenge for organizations mindful of budget constraints, particularly when compared to software-only alternatives. Although Lifesize enjoys widespread adoption in the enterprise market, its uptake by smaller companies may be impeded by the initial costs associated with establishing a complete ecosystem.

What are the trends in video conferencing?

In 2020, video conferencing apps experienced an unprecedented surge in downloads due to the COVID-19 pandemic. According to Transparency Market Research, the market is expected to grow from $6.1 billion in 2019 to $11.56 billion by the end of 2027. What are the main growth drivers of the video conferencing market?

The Rise of Remote Working

An increasing number of companies tend to switch to remote work and online collaboration. This trend has persisted for a number of years, however, it has certainly become mainstream due to the far-reaching implications of COVID-19.

Many businesses have to adopt video conferencing solutions in effort to maintain their efficiency amidst travel restrictions and quarantine. In many ways, recent events have made it quite clear that effective video collaboration tools are critical for the proper performance of any organization.

Ease of Use and No Downloads

Video conferencing software should be easy to adopt and use by non-experienced IT users. It should be simple to start or join a video meeting, invite meeting participants or manage your conference from any device.

It is also important to allow users to connect from their browsers without installing any apps. This opportunity was opened up by the development of WebRTC technologies facilitating in-browser communication.

From Meeting to Huddle Rooms and Workplaces

Users no longer want video communication confined to conference halls and meeting rooms. Instead, online meetings have evolved into an everyday communication tool used in workplaces: you can join large video meetings, share content, record conferences, and exchange messages—all directly from your own PC.

These changes have been made possible by the widespread adoption of SVC (Scalable Video Coding) architecture, enabling organizations to host thousands of conferences on standard servers. Besides, the technology has made it easier and less costly for businesses to connect new users.

Security and Reliability of Your Meeting Solution

Meeting solutions must be capable of functioning under varying network conditions or low bandwidth to ensure a consistent video conferencing experience. This is crucial for users working from home in areas with limited internet bandwidth.

Como escolher a melhor plataforma de videoconferência?

Is the solution safe?

As mentioned above, confidentiality is paramount when hosting corporate video conferences. Attackers must be prevented from accessing data, even during transmission. That is why TrueConf Server implements several levels of security simultaneously.

How reliable is the platform?

If you have an important business meeting or a product presentation for a client, it’s essential to choose a reliable solution. TrueConf supports SVC (Scalable Video Coding) technology, enabling the video conferencing server to seamlessly adjust the optimal video quality, resolution, and frame rate according to the available bandwidth of the communication channel.

Is it easy to manage the solution?

The video conferencing platform must include convenient administration and management, as well as detailed analytics. Thanks to the rapid deployment within your corporate network and its easy administration, you can start conferences in 15 minutes without wasting time on additional settings.

Market Recognition

The Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ is an annual research report in the technology sector, providing essential insights for selecting the right video conferencing solution. TrueConf is a standout developer, recognized and highlighted by leading analytical agencies such as Gartner, IDC, and Frost & Sullivan.

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