# Address Book

In the Address book section, you can add new users, edit existing ones, and create user groups.

  1. Select how the list should be displayed: by users or by groups.

  2. Search for contacts in the address book.

  3. Sort the list (from A to Z) or (from Z to A).

  4. Create a new user or group (when the list is displayed by groups).

  5. User contact that includes:

    • display name

    • call string

    • delete button.

  6. Selection of multiple users for deletion.

  7. The card of the selected contact which provides user information divided into tabs: Information, Profile, Address, Account.

You can also select multiple users and delete them in bulk.

You cannot remove users who are currently participating in a conference from your address book.

# Creating a contact and group

To add a new user to the address book, click /docs/mcu/media/gui/create/en.png, enter the display name, and click Save. This will open the contact card on the Profile tab.

To create a group, you need to switch to the group display and repeat the steps described above. After that, an empty group card will open where you can add users, edit the group name, or delete the group (without deleting its participants).


# Contact card

# Information

Here you can:

  • View information added in other tabs (display name, login, email, phone, addresses)

  • Upload a user avatar

  • Add a contact description

  • pin the user's address in the contact list using the /docs/mcu/media/gui/star/en.png;

  • Add a contact to groups and assign the necessary roles to this user.


# Profile

In this tab, you can specify:

  • Display name

  • Email where invitations to a scheduled conference will be sent

  • Phone number

  • UI language of the control panel (this option is relevant if the user is assigned the role of operator or administrator who can access the control panel).

These details are displayed in the contact card on the Information tab.

# Address

Here, you can assign multiple addresses with different protocols (SIP, H.323, RTSP, VNC) to a contact. To do it:

  1. Click the Add button.

  2. Select the type of protocol that will be used for connection.

  3. Enter the route address.

  4. Click the Save button.

If needed, specify the Display name which is the name shown during a conference. If not specified, the username will be displayed in a conference.

# Additional

In the Additional tab, you can select audio and video codecs, configure the resolution limit and bitrate for the outgoing video stream, and check the Cascading box.


If cascading is activated for a participant, his/her self-view will be removed from the layout. This may be helpful, if a conference hosted on a different instance of TrueConf MCU or TrueConf Server is connected as a meeting participant.

You can specify multiple addresses for a single contact:


When multiple protocols are specified, TrueConf MCU will make calls sequentially according to the priority set in the Administration → Calls → Protocol priority section of the server settings.

To add a TrueConf video conference as a participant, use either SIP or H.323, but instead of a username, enter the string 00<Conference_ID>, where <Conference_ID> is the conference ID.

For example, 00639499375243@video.company.com

# Account

You can set a login and password for a user so that this person could access the control panel for server administration or hold conferences. When settings are saved, the contact will automatically be given the Operator role.


Here, you can also modify authorization data.