# Access management

Initially, on the server there is only one account ( admin) which is given the Administrator role. You can change its username and password in the address book. This account cannot be deleted.

# Roles

TrueConf MCU supports a multi-user administration system:

  • Administrator — by default, has all the rights to manage the server

  • Operator — schedules and holds conferences, creates user accounts. An operator does not have access to server settings and user roles.

To configure roles, go to Administration → Roles. When you select a role, you will see a card with the main information about this role:

  • Role name

  • Role description

  • The list of users assigned to this role.


# Adding a new user

To assign a role to a user, add this person to the address book.

To add a user:

  1. Select a role.

  2. Click the Add button.

  3. Select users in the list and click the Add button.