Enhance your teamwork with team chat and messaging

The solution supports not only personal and team chats but also the exchange of images, documents, and other files. With synchronized messaging, you can seamlessly communicate from any device, regardless of your location.

टीम चैट

Team Chat and Messaging Without Limits

Team and personal chats
Personal and Team Chats
Managing team chat moderators and transferring owner rights
चैट मॉडरेटर्स का प्रबंधन और मालिकाना अधिकारों का हस्तांतरण
Editing, replying and forwarding messages in the team chat
संदेशों को संपादित करें, उत्तर दें और अग्रेषित करें
Formatting text in a team chat
टेक्स्ट फ़ॉर्मेटिंग: बोल्ड, अंडरलाइन, स्ट्राइकथ्रू, और इटैलिक
Tag your colleagues in the team chat
अपने साथियों को टैग करें
Local and global deletion of messages in the team chat
संदेशों के लिए स्थानीय और वैश्विक हटाएं
Setting up pop-up notifications in the team chat
पॉप-अप सूचनाओं का अनुकूलन
Mass actions with multiple messages in a team chat
एकाधिक संदेशों पर बल्क क्रियाएं
Team chat management and shared file storage
चैट प्रबंधन और साझा फ़ाइल संग्रहण

हर बातचीत में सुरक्षा

TrueConf एक टीम मैसेजिंग प्लेटफॉर्म है जिसे आप पूरी तरह से नियंत्रित और भरोसा कर सकते हैं:

डेटा सुरक्षा इंस्टेंट मैसेजिंग सॉफ्टवेयरडेटा सुरक्षाAES-256 एन्क्रिप्शन, ISO 27001 प्रमाणित, GDPR- और HIPAA- अनुरूप।
सुरक्षित और स्व-होस्टेड व्यवसाय त्वरित संदेशसुरक्षित और स्व-होस्टेडआपके संचार आपके अपने परिसर में संग्रहीत हैं।
गोपनीय त्वरित संदेश मंचमजबूत और गोपनीयता-पहलेआवश्यक सुविधाओं और सहज, तेज अनुभव से समझौता किए बिना सुरक्षा।

Continue team chat seamlessly across multiple devices from where you left off!

आपको यह तय करने की आवश्यकता नहीं है कि आप अपनी टीम के साथ चैट करने और मीटिंग आयोजित करने के लिए किस डिवाइस का उपयोग कर सकते हैं।एक साथ कई उपकरणों पर अपने TrueConf खाते से साइन इन करें - आप कहीं भी जा रहे हों, आपके कॉल और चैट इतिहास स्वचालित रूप से सिंक हो जाते हैं।


सीधे अपने मोबाइल डिवाइस से अपनी टीम के साथ निर्बाध रूप से सहयोग करें।TrueConf मोबाइल क्लाइंट एप्लिकेशन के साथ, आप समूह और व्यक्तिगत चैट में मीडिया फ़ाइलें और दस्तावेज़ साझा कर सकते हैं, साथ ही एक ही टैब से मीटिंग में शामिल हों, चाहे आप कहीं भी हों/

अपने कार्यस्थल सेसक्रिय

अपने कार्यस्थल से

TrueConf क्रॉस-प्लेटफ़ॉर्म क्लाइंट एप्लिकेशन के साथ अपना कार्यप्रवाह बढ़ाएँ।व्यक्तिगत और समूह चैट में संवाद करें, अधिक प्रभावी टीम वर्क के लिए 4K वीडियो मीटिंग चलाएं और सहयोग टूल की एक विस्तृत श्रृंखला का आनंद लें।

अपने कार्यस्थल सेअपने कार्यस्थल से

Team and personal chats

व्यक्तिगत और समूह चैट में मीटिंग से पहले, दौरान और बाद में टीमों से जुड़ें।साझा चैट स्थान में सभी को एक साथ लाएँ ताकि आप विचारों का आदान-प्रदान कर सकें, आम परियोजनाओं पर सहयोग करें, और केंद्रित और सार्थक चर्चाओं के लिए किसी भी चैट को वीडियो मीटिंग में तेज़ी से बढ़ा सकते हैं।

Team and personal chat

अपने संपर्कों को व्यवस्थित करें

पता पुस्तिका में अपनी टीम पर नज़र रखें! अपनी कंपनी के विभागों में नेविगेट करें, अपने सहयोगियों के साथ बातचीत शुरू करें, तुरंत उनकी उपलब्धता देखें और संपर्क जानकारी देखें।

Organize your contacts in the team chat

उपस्थिति की स्थितियाँ

जल्दी से जांचें कि क्या आपके टीम के साथी उपलब्ध हैं, व्यस्त हैं, दूर हैं, घर से या ऑफ़लाइन काम कर रहे हैं और देखें कि उन्हें पिछली बार कब देखा गया था TrueConf।या स्वयं को फ़ोकस मोड पर सेट करने और विकर्षणों को सीमित करने के लिए एक कस्टम स्थिति सेट करें।

TrueConf chat 9
TrueConf chat 10
TrueConf chat 11
परेशान न करें
TrueConf chat 12
TrueConf chat 13
TrueConf chat 14
हाल ही में सक्रिय
TrueConf для Windows
फोन पर
TrueConf для Windows
टर्मिनल पर

How does TrueConf compare to other team chat apps?

व्यक्तिगत डेटा आपके कॉर्पोरेट वातावरण में रहता है

व्यक्तिगत डेटा आपके कॉर्पोरेट वातावरण में रहता है

वैश्विक पता स्थान, उपयोगकर्ता समूह और उपस्थिति स्थितियाँ

वैश्विक पता स्थान, उपयोगकर्ता समूह और उपस्थिति स्थितियाँ

सभी संचार - एक ऐप में

सभी संचार - एक ऐप में

सहज और उपयोग में आसान इंटरफ़ेस

सहज और उपयोग में आसान इंटरफ़ेस

सामग्री साझा करना, स्लाइड शो, मीटिंग रिकॉर्डिंग और बहुत कुछ

सामग्री साझा करना, स्लाइड शो, मीटिंग रिकॉर्डिंग और बहुत कुछ

मोबाइल और डेस्कटॉप पर लगातार अनुभव

मोबाइल और डेस्कटॉप पर लगातार अनुभव

उपयोगकर्ता गाइड


डाउनलोड (2.1 MB, PDF)

TrueConf क्लाइंट एप्लीकेशन यूजर गाइड

Windows, Linux, और macOS के लिए TrueConf क्लाइंट ऐप्स की प्रमुख विशेषताओं के बारे में अधिक जानने के लिए हमारी विस्तृत उपयोगकर्ता मार्गदर्शिका देखें।

सामान्य प्रश्न

What does «team messaging» mean in the context of an application?

If we consider the term from the point of view of applications, then «team messaging» is a function that allows members of a team or organization to communicate and collaborate in a common workspace. This feature allows you to create both individual dialogues and group chats, or even channels for projects or entire departments.

Team messaging applications are designed to increase productivity and optimize workflows in a professional environment. As a rule, solutions include a number of additional features: file sharing, task management, as well as integration with other services, including calendars. The main purpose of this type of application is to centralize employee communications so that each project participant is aware of events.

What are the benefits of team messaging?

The main advantages of team messaging are building and improving corporate relationships. The more employees participate in the discussion of the project, the better they understand each other, as well as how to effectively interact when solving urgent issues.

The result of the work also largely depends on the mutual understanding among employees, their ability to quickly respond to emerging difficulties, and their willingness to help each other. One of the most important catalysts that accelerates the building of strong business or even friendly relations is the messenger, which allows members of the same team to always stay in touch and keep up to date with all important events.

What is the team chat?

Team chat is a software that enables team members or colleagues to communicate in real-time. The possibility of continuous interaction not only significantly increases productivity but also enables quick problem-solving during project implementation.

In most cases, team chats also allow you to easily share images, presentations, documents, and files. This feature not only speeds up task resolution but also enables more effective communication with colleagues, keeping them up to date.

Where are team chats most often used?

Team chats have been popular for a long time because, as mentioned above, they provide a convenient way for participants to communicate.

That is why this method of interaction has become widespread in several areas:

1. Organizations and companies quickly realized the ease and efficiency of working with team chat. An increasing number of businesses are adopting messengers or specialized solutions to enhance project collaboration and improve overall interaction. Chat rooms are now widely used across various industries, ranging from finance to healthcare.

2. In the software development industry, team chats have become an almost indispensable way to coordinate employee actions. Bug tracking and version integration features have been made as simple and fast as possible. At the same time, development teams often consist of individuals who are not only in different cities but even different countries.

3. In rapidly changing startup environments, team chats are widely used as the primary means of communication: they enable quick discussions on current projects and can be easily integrated into any infrastructure. It is important to understand that using secure messengers for interaction allows them to discuss new ideas without unnecessary risks.

4. In most cases, creative agencies, including advertising and design organizations, utilize chat apps for brainstorming and project sharing. In the creative field, third-party ideas can have a significant impact on both the inspiration and the perfection of the final result.

5. Educational institutions are increasingly adopting turnkey communication solutions that offer a secure educational process, including administration, teacher, and classroom chats. In the event of unforeseen circumstances, such as quarantine, the learning process will remain unaffected, and the actions of the staff will be coordinated.

6. Government organizations also utilize interoperability solutions that incorporate multiple layers of protection. Most often, in addition to chat, these platforms also include video communication for remote meetings and urgent discussions.

Do team chats differ from one another?

The primary and common functionality of team chats, as the name suggests, is to facilitate convenient interaction among colleagues. At the same time, the remaining features may vary significantly depending on the target audience of the solution and the developers' plans.

If we delve into the essence of the most popular team chats, we can identify several distinct characteristics that set them apart:

1. One of the fundamental aspects here is the breadth of features embedded in the platform. Shared file storage and the ability to send files to colleagues are undeniable advantages of many messengers. Many team chats now actively introduce video calls and multi-user conferences, seamlessly transforming text discussions into comprehensive online meetings.

2. Integration capabilities with third-party solutions are also crucial factors to consider when selecting a platform. Messengers that seamlessly integrate with work software are gaining popularity day by day. In particular, these can include business planners, corporate calendars, and video conferencing platforms.

3. Communication security is of utmost importance, particularly in the realm of business, irrespective of its scale. Even a small information leak can have irreparable consequences that may ultimately lead to the collapse of an organization. When it comes to narrowly focused team chats in various industries, strict compliance with requirements such as GDPR and HIPAA is necessary.

4. There are several ways to deploy solutions for team communication, including on-premises, cloud, and hybrid options. To best align with the goals of the organization, it is recommended to choose a platform that is most suitable for the tasks being implemented. However, it must be borne in mind that data storage and security directly depends on the type of deployment: server is considered the most secure, and cloud is the least.

5. If you have plans to expand your team in the future, it is highly recommended to select a chat platform that offers scalability. Not all solutions offer such an opportunity, even for an additional fee, as they are primarily targeted towards small user groups.

How do we access our teams' chat features in our collaborative workspace?

The success of this process relies entirely on the platform you choose to facilitate communication. As a rule, to create a team chat, just click the appropriate button and add participants.

How does a team chat provide a better chat experience in collaborative work environments?

Team chat offers a greatly enhanced communication experience in a collaborative environment, as it allows every participant to stay updated on events and contribute new ideas whenever they want, leading to a more efficient and productive teamwork. The implementation of tasks requires constant monitoring of progress, which can only be achieved through the continuous interaction of all employees.

The ability to share files, especially images, documents, and presentations, plays an important role here: these files are often essential for regular planning meetings and working on projects. An extremely convenient feature is the ability to turn a group chat into a video conference, which allows for quick resolution of any disputable situations.

Thus, team messaging becomes an indispensable tool that sometimes even surpasses the convenience of working in the office. Simultaneously, everyone experiences a sense of belonging to the project, which enhances their level of engagement and motivation.