# Getting started

When you first launch the application, allow it to send you notifications.

For devices with iOS/iPadOS 18.0 and above, you will need to grant permission to discover devices on the local network. This is necessary for connecting to local TrueConf servers.

After that, the authorization window will be available, where you can:

  • Change server (by default, the application automatically connects to TrueConf Online cloud-based service.

  • Setting up the application

  • Sign in to the cloud service with your Apple ID or other social network accounts (social network icons will be displayed if you tap on the Other ways to login in button);
  • Join a conference as a guest.


# Signing in

To connect to your corporate TrueConf Server instance:

  1. Press the Change server.

  2. Select the TrueConf Server option and specify its IP address or the domain name (e.g., server.company.com) and tap on the Connect button.


  1. If the connection is successful, you will be able to see the server name in the top left corner.

Later, if you need to connect to a different server or to TrueConf Online, go to the Options → Profile → Sing out and follow the instructions described above.

  1. Enter the login (TrueConf ID).

  2. The password for your account. For your first login, you can obtain the login details from your system administrator.


With the help of Face ID/Touch ID, you can enable secure login after the first sign in and avoid manual entering of your personal credentials each time you enter the application. To do it, tap the /docs/client-ios/media/gui/faceid/en.png or /docs/client-ios/media/gui/touchid/en.png button and confirm the use of biometric authentication.

Please note that if you decline secure authorization with Face ID/Touch ID, your phone password will be used for authorization. To enable secure authorization, go to iOS settings, select TrueConf in the list of applications and activate the switcher Face ID/Touch ID.

After authorization, you will have access to the 5 main sections of the application. Detailed information about the functionality of these sections can be found in the respective sections of the user guide:

# Sign in as a guest

You can join only a public conference (webinar) as a guest. There are multiple ways of doing it: with a QR code, with conference ID or directly from the conference page in the browser.

# With a QR code

Tap on the /docs/client-ios/media/gui/qr_code/en.png button on the authorization page and scan the QR code displayed on the conference page.

You can also upload the QR code image saved on your iPhone. To do it, tap Gallery and select the photo.

In this way, you can join any public conference without having to connect to a different video conferencing server.

If you want to join a private conference with a QR code, you have to be signed in to your personal area on the conference page.

# With conference ID

On the authorization page, tap on the Join conference button. Enter the conference ID without the \c\ prefix. For example, if you have the following ID \c\2050356374@video.company.com#vcs, you will need to type only the digits 2050356374. Enter the correct data and tap on the Next button. Then, enter a guest name that will be displayed in the video layout and tap on the Log in button.

# Profile

The profile is available in the Options section of the application, where the following features are accessible:

  1. Editing personal information: display name, full name, and organization.

  2. Setting up an avatar.

  3. Change network status:

    • online;

    • Do not disturb.

4. Set an additional status, such as information about vacation or changes in the work schedule.

5. Your information. Mobile and work phone numbers are set by the server administrator.

6. Go to the personal area.

7. Sign out.

# Personal area

Personal area — a dedicated web page on the server designed for scheduling video conferences, as well as editing personal information and the address book.

Every user added by the server administrator has access to this page.

On the main page, you will see:

  • scheduled conferences for today;

  • virtual rooms.

Only the events where you are an owner or participant are displayed.

By clicking on the conference name, its details will open, and a range of options will be available to you:

  1. Go to conference analytics.

  2. Starting the event.

  3. Modify its settings.

  4. Export to corporate calendar.

  5. Deleting an event.

# User statuses

TrueConf for iOS/iPadOS includes statuses that allow you to determine user activity:

/docs/client-ios/media/gui/statuses/online/en.svg — online

/docs/client-ios/media/gui/statuses/mobile/en.svg — online from a smartphone or tablet

/docs/client-ios/media/gui/statuses/from_terminal/en.svg — online from a hardware or software SIP/H.323 endpoint

/docs/client-ios/media/gui/statuses/in_cloud/en.svg — recently active: a status for the users who were previously logged in using their mobile app but are currently offline

/docs/client-ios/media/gui/statuses/owner/en.svg — the owner of an ongoing conference

/docs/client-ios/media/gui/statuses/busy/en.svg — busy (currently participates in a video call or conference)

/docs/client-ios/media/gui/statuses/away/en.svg — away (away from keyboard for a certain time period, 15 minutes by default)

When the computer screen is locked, the status for a user authorized in the TrueConf application is automatically set to /docs/client-ios/media/gui/statuses/away/en.svg. In this case, the timeout settings for this status are ignored.

/docs/client-ios/media/gui/statuses/dont_disturbed/en.svg — do not disturb (can be set manually by a user)

/docs/client-ios/media/gui/statuses/offline/en.svg — offline.

# Offline mode

If there are some problems with connection to the video conferencing server, you will see the No connection status; however, you will still be able to use the application. In particular, you can:

  • Read chat and view the media files saved in cache

  • view contact cards, for example, to call a subscriber using a mobile network phone number;

  • Write text messages so that they could be automatically sent when the connection is restored.