# Chats

You can exchange text messages with other users both inside and outside group conferences.

When a user signs in to the application on a new device, the chat history saved on the previous device will be synced across devices.

If you connect to TrueConf Server which is below 5.0 version, the chat history will not be synced across your devices.


You can start a chat with a user in the Search bar or in the Contacts section.

# Group chats

Conference chats will also be displayed here.


# Creating a group chat

To create a group chat:

  1. Tap the /docs/client-ios/media/gui/plus/en.png button.

  2. Enter the chat name and tap the Create button.

  3. Go to the chat profile and add participants.

# Chat management

Open the selected chat and click on its name to view the profile.

  1. Edit the chat name.

  2. Edit the chat avatar.

  3. Start a group conference with chat participants.

  4. Search for messages in the chat.

  5. Mute (or unmute) chat notifications.

  6. Additional actions:

    • Delete and leave the chat. If you are the chat owner, you can delete the chat for all participants. If you choose Delete for me only, you have to transfer the ownership rights to another chat participant.

    • Clear the chat history. If you are the chat owner, you can clear the chat for all participants.

      Please be careful when clearing chat history or deleting a chat. This action cannot be reversed. Even if you are added to this chat afterwards, you will not be able to view previous messages because all chat history has been removed.

7. List of chat participants.

8. List of attachments sent in the chat.

9. Edit the list of chat participants

10. Actions on a user:

  • Open the profile

  • Appoint the user as chat owner /docs/client-ios/media/gui/star_owner/en.png. The owner has moderator rights and can also delete or clear the chat.

  • Appoint as moderator /docs/client-ios/media/gui/star_moder/en.png. The moderator can add/remove participants, appoint other moderators, delete messages, and change the chat name and avatar.

  • Audio call to the user

  • Video call to the user

  • Send a message to the user

  • Remove from the chat.


# Chat features

In chats, you can:

  • Send text messages, photos and videos, files, and geo-locations

  • Share contacts. To do it, type the contact in the format @Trueconf_ID, for example, @wolf.

  • Copy, edit, forward, or delete messages


A message can be edited within 48 hours after being sent. An edited message will display the label Edited.

  • Additionally, you can reply to a message by swiping it to the left.
  • Make a call to the contact by tapping the buttons /docs/client-ios/media/gui/call/en.png and /docs/client-ios/media/gui/call_video_chat/en.png (or to a group of users with /docs/client-ios/media/gui/call_to_conf_from_chat/en.png). When turning a group chat into a call, you will see the menu for creating a quick conference. Additionally, you can unlink the conference chat from the current conversation to create a separate new chat.

# How to find a message

To find a message in the chat, tap on the chat name and select Search. Enter the text in the search field. As you type, the application will start searching, and the messages will be highlighted in a specific color:


If multiple messages are found, you can navigate between them with the buttons /docs/client-ios/media/gui/arr_up/en.png and /docs/client-ios/media/gui/arr_down/en.png. The number of matches will be displayed to the left of these buttons.

# Favorites

If you need to save an important message or file, forward it to Favorites. To open this chat, go to Options → Favorites.
