# Working with the Address Book

The TrueConf Group terminal supports working with an address book for convenient call making. It also supports dividing the list into groups and integration with LDAP.

# LDAP Integration

TrueConf Group allows you to use LDAP Н.350 directory service compatible with Polycom.

You can configure integration with the LDAP server in the Configuration → Services → LDAP section.

Click Update address book to apply changes.

# Address Book

To configure the contact list, in the main menu select Address book or press the button /docs/group/media/buttons/menu/en.png on the control panel.

The address book can have multiple lists of users:

  • Local – the local list stored on the endpoint

  • NDI – NDI streams available in the local network (the streams are searched for automatically when they are selected)

  • TrueConf MCU – the contacts imported when running the endpoint in integration with TrueConf MCU

  • LDAP – the contacts imported when integrating with an LDAP service

  • TrueConf Server – the contacts imported from TrueConf Server when the endpoint was run in integration with it

  • TrueConf Group – other TrueConf Group endpoints available in the local network. If this option is selected, the search will start automatically. Each of the endpoints will have a display name specified in the Call → Display name section of the endpoint settings.

# How to change the view and call a user

Any list except TrueConf Group can be displayed in a general way (default view) or by groups. To select the second option, click the Display by groups button which is under the search field. To restore the general view, click the Hide groups button. To view the contacts in any group, click the OK button.

If the group display is selected for the NDI list, there will be three categories: all NDI streams, offline streams (these streams were detected earlier and are unavailable now) and online streams.

To call a user, select this person in the correct list (and in the group, if necessary) and click the OK button or the call button /docs/group/media/buttons/call/en.png on the remote control. If there are many users on the list, start typing the name and the list will be automatically filtered. When a call is made, the port for each protocol will be added automatically if it had not been specified explicitly in the call string.

# Edit the list

In the local address list, one can add a new contact or edit the contact that had been saved previously.

To edit a saved contact, click Edit opposite the contact’s name. You will see this user’s profile where one can change the name as well as SIP, H.323, RTSP. VNC, NDI or email addresses. It will also be possible to restrict bitrate when connecting with this contact. Each user may have up to 5 addresses (the protocols do not have to be unique).

In the Conference control → Address book section, you can specify the preferred call string for each contact. In this case TrueConf Group will first make a call to the specified address.

To add a new contact to the list, click on the Add new entry button which is under the search field.

You can transfer address books between the endpoints using import/export in the Maintenance section of the control panel.

# Call History

Choose Call history in the main menu. You will see the list of calls and the following information:

  • Username

  • Call direction: incoming >, outgoing <, and failed or missed !

  • Time (for today's calls) and date (for earlier calls).

To call a user, choose the user in the list and press OK or the /docs/group/media/buttons/call/en.png button.

When switching to each line in the list, you will see additional information:

  • User's address and communication protocol

  • Call date and time

  • Call duration

You can add a user from the history to the address book by pressing Add button and then filling in additional fields.

# Calendar

To view the list of conferences hosted on TrueConf Server to which the endpoint was invited, go to the Calendar section in the main menu. There you will find the list of upcoming conferences and if this event has already started, you can join it by clicking on the Join button.

To make sure that TrueConf Group can receive invitations, you will need to:

  1. Configure integration with the email server. The endpoint will check the email address for new invitations.

  2. When creating a public conference (webinar), you need to specify the email address from step 1. If an invitation to a private conference should be sent, the endpoint should be authorized on TrueConf Server as one of the invited participants whose profile includes the email address from step 1.

When a scheduled conference from this list is started, the reminder window will be displayed on the TrueConf Group screen. The window will also include a button for joining the conference. This may be helpful if the endpoint was invited to the public conference (webinar) via email, but did not receive the invitation call.