# Chats
In this section you can find recent conversations with other users, Favorites and group chats, including conference chats.

You can start a chat with a new user with the help of search .
# Group chats
Here, one can also find conference chats.

# Creating a chat
To create a group chat:
Tap the
Enter the chat name.
If necessary, you can also add a photo for this chat by tapping
. It is possible to add or change the photo when the chat has already been created.
Tap Create.
Add participants from available user groups or use search
# Chat management
Open the selected chat and tap on its name to view information about it.

Edit the chat name and photo.
Mute (or unmute) chat notifications.
Add new participants.
Actions on a user:
Open the profile
Appoint as moderator
Assign as the chat owner
Remove from the chat.
The moderator can add/remove participants, assign other moderators, delete messages, and change the chat name and avatar.
The owner has moderator rights and can also delete the chat.
# Chat features
In chats, you can:
Send text messages
Tap on
to share photos and videos, files, TrueConf contacts, and geo-locations
Tap on a message to reply, copy, forward, delete, or select (for bulk actions on multiple messages)

- One can also reply to a message by swiping it to the left.

- Tap on
to call a participant (or group of users). When you create a call from a group chat, the UI for creating a quick conference will be displayed. It is also possible to unlink the conference chat from the current conversation, in other words, you can create a separate chat for this meeting.

- By opening the context menu
, you can start a video call, mute notifications from a user (or group), search the chat, clear the chat history, and delete the chat.