# removeFromGroup

Description: delete a user from a group in the address book.

Request example:

    "method" : "removeFromGroup",
    "requestId" : "1",
    "groupId" : 268435454,
    "peerId" : "user1@some.server"

Response example:

    "method" : "removeFromGroup",
    "requestId" : "1",
    "result" : true

Parameter description:

  • peerId - unique user identifier (TrueConf ID). Applicability:

    • PeerId - supported. Inside the application, it is automatically converted to CallId and the command is then executed with it.

    • CallId - supported. The user will receive the invitation on all devices.

    • InstanceId - supported. Inside the application, it is automatically converted to CallId and the command is executed with it.

  • groupId — Group identifier

  • requestId - a unique request identifier. You can learn more about it here.

See also: