# createConference

Description: Create a group conference.

Receiving a positive response ("result" : true) indicates that the command has been accepted for execution. The result will arrive in a separate notification.

The successful conference start will be indicated in one of these ways:

  1. Upon changing the current connection status to 5, in the appStateChanged notification

  2. The notification conferenceCreated will be received

Request example:

    "method" : "createConference",
    "requestId" : "1",
    "title" : "Code review",
    "confType" : "role",
    "autoAccept" : false,
    "useWaitingRoom" : true,
    "muteCamOnJoin" : false,
    "muteMicOnJoin" : false,
    "castersCount" : 4,
    "inviteList" : [

Response example:

    "method" : "createConference",
    "requestId" : "1",
    "result" : true

Parameter description:

  • title — Conference name

  • castersCount - the number of participants in the video layout that can be on the podium simultaneously (can be obtained from the getTariffRestrictions command or the tariffRestrictionsChanged notification)

  • useWaitingRoom - a flag that enables the waiting room upon conference start. Optional parameter. If not present, the default value of false will be used.

  • muteCamOnJoin - a flag that sets the automatic muting of the video capture device for a participant who has just joined a group conference. This is an optional parameter. If not specified, the default value false will be used.

  • muteMicOnJoin - a flag that sets the microphone to mute automatically for a participant of a group conference who has just joined. This is an optional parameter. If not specified, the default value of false will be used.

  • smartMeeting - a flag that starts the video selector in the mode Automatic stage entry via VAD and should only be present if the video selector is launched. This parameter is optional and if not present, defaults to false.

  • autoAccept — Flag allowing participants to automatically join conference

  • confType — Conference type. It can be as follows:

    • symmetricAll on screen

    • asymmetricVideo lecture

    • role - Role-based

  • inviteList - an array of strings with unique identifiers of users ([TrueConf ID](TrueConf ID)), to whom an invitation to the conference will be sent. Possible values:

    • PeerId - supported. Inside the application, it is automatically converted to CallId and the command is executed with it. In this case, the user will receive the invitation on all devices.

    • CallId - supported. The user will receive the invitation on all devices.

    • InstanceId - supported. The invitation will be received by the user on a specific application instance.

  • requestId - a unique request identifier. You can learn more about it here.

There is no need to include the account under which VideoSDK/Room is authorized (that is, yourself) in the inviteList; it will automatically be added as the first participant with the owner role.

See also: