# getAppState
Description: get information about the application state.
Request example:
{ "method" : "getAppState", "requestId" : "1" }
Response example:
{ "method": "getAppState", "requestId" : "1", "embeddedHttpPort": 8766, "appState": 3, "extStatus": 2, "additionalStatus": "at lunch", "desktopSharing": { "running": true, "sourceType": 2, "id": 66910, "windowName": "WebSocket Test - Opera" }, "broadcastPicture": { "running": false }, "audioCaptureTest": false, "recording" : false, "result": true }
Parameter description:
— Application state. It can be as follows:0
— no connection with the server1
— VideoSDK/Room is trying to connect to the server2
— Login is required3
— VideoSDK/Room is connected to the server and logged in4
— VideoSDK/Room is waiting: either it is calling someone or it is being called by someone5
— VideoSDK/Room is in a conference6
— VideoSDK/Room is ending a conference
- the extended status of the current user, which can take one of the following values:-1
— Invalid user0
— Offline user1
- user is offline but was recently active2
— Available user3
- user is available on the phone4
- user is available from the terminal5
- user is available but has set the status to do not disturb6
- user is away7
— Busy user8
- user is busy on the phone9
- user is busy at the terminal10
— A user is in a group conference that they created and that can be joined at request.
- additional status of the current user as a stringembeddedHttpPort
— Port number used by the built-in HTTP serverdesktopSharing
— Field that contains information about desktop sharingrunning
— the field indicating if content sharing has startedname
— the name of the screen which is being shared. The field is unavailable when content sharing is off.id
— Unique identifier of a window or screen being shared. The field is unavailable when content sharing is offbroadcastPicture
— Field that contains information about a picture being sharedfileName
— Name of the picture being shared. The field is unavailable when picture sharing is off.fileId
— Unique identifier of a file being shared on the built-in HTTP server. The field is unavailable when picture sharing is off.audioCaptureTest
— Field showing whether a microphone test has been started. It can betrue
— Field that is available when requests are madeincomingPodiumRequest
— Incoming podium requestsoutgoingPodiumRequest
— Outgoing podium requestsincomingPodiumInvitation
— Incoming podium invitationsoutgoingPodiumInvitation
— Outgoing podium invitationsincomingRecord
— inbound requests for recording video and audio streams from VideoSDK/RoomoutgoingRecord
— outbound requests for recording audio and video streamsincomingJoinToMyConf
— inbound requests for joining the conference created by VideoSDK/RoomoutgoingJoinToMyConf
— outgoing invitations to the conference created by VideoSDK/RoomincomingP2PCall
— Incomingvideo call
— Outgoingvideo call
— Incoming invitation to a group conferenceoutgoingGroupConf
— Outgoing invitation to a group conferenceincomingPtzControl
- incoming requests for PTZ camera controloutgoingPtzControl
- outgoing PTZ camera control requestsfriendlyName
— the name of the captured screen that will be used for content sharing; the name will be presented in a human-readable format.sourceType
— the type of the captured content. It can be one of the following types:1
— desktop2
— application window
— the window name of the application captured for content sharingrequestId
- a unique request identifier. You can learn more about it here.recording
- a flag indicating the recording status of the conference on the server
See also: