# call

Description: call a user or send a conference join request.

If the called subscriber is outside the conference, they will receive a call as a video call. If they are the owner of the conference, they will receive a notification about a request to participate in it. Some identifiers might be converted into a different format and then used for calling within the application. Therefore, to find out the final version of the identifier used, you can execute the prepareCallIdForCall method.

Request example:

    "method" : "call",
    "requestId" : "1",
    "peerId" : "user1@some.server",
    "pin" : "1111"

Response example:

    "method" : "call",
    "requestId" : "1",
    "result" : true

Parameter description:

  • peerId - unique identifier of the user (TrueConf ID) to call. Applicability:

    • PeerId - supported. Inside the application, it is automatically converted to CallId and the command is executed with it. In this case, the call will go to all users with this identifier on all their devices.

    • CallId - supported. The call will be sent to all users with this identifier on all their devices.

    • InstanceId - supported. The call will go to a specific application instance

  • pin — the password for joining the conference (an optional parameter)

  • requestId - a unique request identifier. You can learn more about it here.

See also: