# Events for Android

These events are triggered at the TrueConfListener interface level (see Example 7). It, in turn, contains the different interfaces listed below, which need to be implemented in your class during development.

# ServerStatusEventsCallback

# onServerStatus

Event triggered when a server connects/disconnects or when an error occurs during a connection attempt.


  • connected – indicates whether there is a connection to the server (boolean);

  • serverName – the name of the current server (string);

  • serverPort – the port number used for connecting to the server (numeric).

# onStateChanged

Event triggered when the user's own status changes. The current status can be obtained through functions that query the current state.

# LoginEventsCallback

# onLogin

Event triggered upon authentication or authentication error on the server.


  • loggedIn – indicates whether the user is authenticated on the server (boolean);

  • userId – the user's TrueConf ID (string).

# onLogout

Event triggered upon deauthorization on the server.

# ConferenceEventsCallback

# onConferenceStart

Event triggered when the conference starts.

# onConferenceEnd

Event triggered upon conference completion.

# onInvite

Event triggered upon receiving an incoming call.


  • userIdTrueConf ID of the calling user (string);

  • userName – the name of the calling user (string).

# onAccept

Event triggered when the called party receives the call.


  • userIdTrueConf ID of the called user (string);

  • userName – the name of the called user (string).

# onReject

Event triggered when the callee rejects the call.


  • userIdTrueConf ID of the called user (string);

  • userName – the name of the called user (string).

# onRejectTimeout

The event triggered when the called party does not respond within a specified time.


  • userIdTrueConf ID of the called user (string);

  • userName – the name of the called user (string).

# onRecordRequest

Event triggered upon receiving a request for video recording.


  • userID – the TrueConf ID of the user requesting the video recording (string);

  • userName – the name of the user requesting the video recording (string).

# onConferencePasswordRequired

Invoked when a PIN code is requested during connection to a conference with a PIN code.


# onConferenceWrongPassword

Triggered when an incorrect PIN is entered while attempting to join a PIN-protected conference.


  • confId – Conference ID (String)

# ChatEventsCallback

# onChatMessageReceived

Event triggered upon receiving a text message.


  • fromID – the user identifier who sent the message (string);

  • fromName – the name of the user who sent the message (string);

  • text – message text (string);

  • toID – the identifier of the user to whom the message was sent (string).

# UserStatusEventsCallback

# onUserStatusUpdate

Event triggered when another user's status changes.


  • userID - the identifier of the user whose status has changed (string);

  • state — new user status (UserPresStatus).

# onContactListUpdate

Called when the list of contacts and their statuses is loaded after the user logs in to the server.

# AudioDeviceCallback

# onAudioDeviceChanged

Called when the output device is changed during a conference.


  • playerMute – speaker status (on/off) (boolean)

  • pair – output device (AudioDeviceInfo).

# onAudioDeviceUpdate

Called when the state of the microphone or speaker changes.


  • playerMute – speaker status (on/off) (boolean)

  • recorderMute – microphone status (on/off) (boolean)

  • pair – output device (AudioDeviceInfo)

# onAudioDeviceResponse

Returns the current state of the audio devices in response to the requestAudioState.


  • playerMute – speaker status (on/off) (boolean)

  • recorderMute – microphone status (on/off) (boolean)

  • active – current output device (AudioDeviceInfo)

  • pairs – list of available output devices (List<AudioDeviceInfo>)

# VideoDeviceCallback

# onVideoDeviceUpdate

Called when the camera state changes.


  • videoEnabled – camera status (on/off) (boolean)

# LayoutCallback

# onCalculateCustomLayouts

Method for changing the coordinates and sizes of participants' video windows. See Example 7.

# onLayoutApplied

Called when the page completes its animation and becomes active.