# fileTransferHistoryCleared
Version: 4.1.0+
Description: the notification indicating that file transfer history was cleared and corresponding files were deleted from the drive (if it was required).
"method": "event",
"event": "fileTransferHistoryCleared",
"filesDeletedFromDisk": true
Parameter description:
— the flag indicating if the files were physically deleted from the drive
See also:
- getFileRequestInfo
- getFileList
- getFileTransferAvailability
- sendFileToConference
- getOutgoingFilesRequests
- getIncomingFilesRequests
- getFileTransferHistory
- clearFileTransferHistory
- deleteFileTransferFile
- sendFile
- acceptIncomingFileRequest
- rejectIncomingFileRequest
- incomingFileRequestRejected
- incomingFileRequestAccepted
- fileRequestStatusChanged
- fileTransferAvailabilityChanged
- receivedFileRequest
- fileDeletedFromFileTransferHistory
- outgoingFileRequestSent
- outgoingFileRequestSentToConference
- incomingFileRequestDownloadingProgress
- outgoingFileRequestUploadingProgress